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Gas Colic: annoyance, disorder, or disease?


Certainly having gas colic is a nuisance to the sufferer, and sometimes to those in the same environment as the affected person, especially if the rules of good manners are appealed to.

Staying in this area, the discomfort is theembarrassment and sense of shame felt by the sufferer if the gas colic also becomes noisy and smelly.

Outside of these considerations, however, it remains that a gas colic is certainly a disorder. Gas within the body is the product of the normal process of digestion; if in excess, it seeks a way out (through belching or flatulence). All normal, but if the gas in the digestive system remains compressed and its pathway is obstructed that’s when the pain appears, which can present itself as mild and short-lived or as persistent, strong, and increasing, at least until the gas is expelled. In short, an elementary mechanical issue that can give rise to a disturbance.

Here then is when the disorder manifests with a bloated abdomen, with belching, intestinal pain, a sense of obstruction, cramping, and air in the stomach.

Many causes: excessive ingestion of air in eating, especially if the meal is eaten too quickly; bacterial fermentation of carbohydrates, fiber, and sugars; artificial sweeteners; carbonated drinks (soda and beer); and various sweets.

Those suffering from gas colic will only need to make a few changes in their food choices and eating habits to reduce or eliminate excess digestive gas.

The disorder may recur and develop into pathology. Increased pain due to excess gas can both be caused by a diet based on foods whose processing usually contributes more to gas production, but also by certain dysfunctions of the digestive system, such as irritable bowel syndrome or celiac disease, lactose intolerance, or other conditions such as diverticula , ulcerative colitis, etc.

So what to do? Keep an eye on the discomfort while preventing it from becoming a nuisance, correct one’s diet and eating habits, and if gas colic persists investigate to identify the type of pathology.


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