Magnetic resonance imaging

MRI is a radiological method that is based on the physics of magnetic fields and allows us to visualize the inside of our bodies without performing surgery or administering ionizing

Types of poisoning: chlorates

Sodium and potassium chlorates are still used today to clean the soil of all vegetation. These substances in their dry state are strong oxidizing agents and present a high risk

Ingestion of poisonous substances

Ingested poisons normally stay in the stomach for a short time. Absorption occurs after the poison has passed through the small intestine. A poisonous substance does more damage to the

Hyperventilation: what to do?

Hyperventilation is when breathing is faster and deeper than usual as a result of emotional stress or anxiety. Symptoms of hyperventilation include fast and deep breathing, dizziness, chest pain, sweating,

Chlorinated hydrocarbons: what are they?

In this group of chemical compounds we find carbon tetrachloride. Similar to the latter there is chloroform and other derivatives that have replaced it. In addition to the narcotic features

Foreign body (in the respiratory tract)

Children between 6 months and 3 years of age often get find themselves struggling with a foreign body in the respiratory tract. Symptoms are spasmodic coughing and sudden stridor in

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

The family and the patient with bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder not only disrupts the patient's life but also makes the lives of those around him difficult and sometimes painful. People affected by this disorder often have difficulty acknowledging their mental state to themselves.

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Main types of poisoning: alcohol.

In the case of ethanol poisoning, the central effect is. strictly dose-dependent, with progression of brain structures more specialized. Methanol, on the other hand, exerts less depression on the system

Poison elimination

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Logic would have it that in the case of coming into contact with poisons, one should remove from the body any toxic substance that has entered it, but clinical observations have shown that this approach is often practiced by only a few people and with questionable benefits. In addition, impairments in physical state may result from the substances administered for this purpose.

Environmental exposure

Steps must be taken to stop the exposure of toxic substances. Anyone in a polluted atmosphere should be removed and taken to fresh air without endangering rescuers. In case toxic gases and vapors are exhaled or inhaled, ventilation of the room can be encouraged, trying to speed up the removal of the toxic substance.

Skin contamination

If a toxic substance is deposited on the skin , it is possible to see skin reactions; in fact, only some garments are totally impermeable. In this case, the patient should be undressed immediately and the skin washed with soap and water. The eyes also need to be rinsed with plenty of water or saline solution.

Stomach emptying

Many times it happens that poisons enter the body by ingestion. In this case, the toxic substance must be recovered before it advances down the alimentary canal. The simplest way isgastric aspiration and a gastric lavage. This procedure is not without dangers and should not be considered as a method that should always be applied.

Source: Roy Goulding’s Vademecum of Poisoning Therapy.


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