Methods of poisoning: barbiturates

Today, compared with years past, barbiturate poisoning has greatly decreased, as they are no longer prescribable as before. Short- and medium-acting barbiturates are more toxic than long-acting ones. The mode

Ticks: how to get rid of them

A tick can remain in the skin for days without the victim being aware of it, as its bite is painless. Many bites are harmless, but some

Arsenic Poisoning

Although arsenic is not a metal but a metalloid, it is widespread in nature and prolonged exposure causes a carcinogenic effect. Arsenic derivatives are used within industries as pesticides or

Mercury Poisoning

Mercury when ingested has no effect in the body. The tiny droplets of mercury react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form chloride. Instead, when mercury comes into contact


It is an acute metabolic decompensation, caused by hyperincretion of circulating thyroid hormones. Symptoms include: hyperthermia, atrial fibrillation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, psychomotor agitation, delirium, coma. In case of hyperthermia, it

Carbamate insecticides: what are they?

Carbamate insecticides are being used more and more often as commercial pesticides. The pharmacological action is similar to that of the organophosphorus compounds, with the difference that binding to cholinesterases

Metals and metalloids: thallium

Although thallium comes used in industry does not appear to create employment risks. The action of the thallium at the biochemical level is not yet known and all we can

Vaccinazione Antinfluenzale Pediatrica

Un nuovo podcast di My Special Doctor a cura del Dott. Piercarlo Salari sul tema della Vaccinazione Antinfluenzale Pediatrica  Vaccinazione antinfluenzale pediatrica

Cardiovascular decompensation in children


Yes this is a clinical syndrome in which the heart is unable to maintain a thrown appropriate to the metabolic needs of the tissues. Most of the patients are children under one year old. The causes of decompensation cardiovascular are: congenital heart disease, acquired heart disease, aroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and iatrogenic causes.

Which are the symptoms?

The most obvious symptoms are cyanosis, wheezing, expiratory groaning, tachypnea, edema, distention of neck veins, dystrophy, pallor, sweating, pulse variation, and galloping rhythm. Should these symptoms occur, oxygen therapy should be given immediately, the child should be hydrated, and the child should be positioned semi-sedated.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.


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Cardiac Echodoppler

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Cardiac arrhythmias

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Myocardial infarction

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Venous insufficiency

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Diseases of the heart valves

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Aortic aneurysm

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Shock, medical emergency

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Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans

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Mitral valve repair

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