Thoracic injuries: what to do?

These kinds of lesions can be of 2 types: pulmonary and chest wall. It is necessary to keep those affected by a chest injury while conscious, sitting or with head

Gastric lavage in case of poisoning

To perform gastric lavage, it is important to keep a few points in mind: Be sure that you have ingested a dangerous dose of a toxic substance That the ingestion

Poisonings: dinitro-compounds

These compounds are used in orchards as a “winter wash” and as a herbicides in summer. From a toxicological point of view, their action biochemistry is common to all compounds.

Heavy metals and metalloids: copper

Copper is widespread in nature and is an essential element for many life forms. In the metabolic disorder known as Wilson’s disease, copper accumulates in the body leading to hepato-lental

Cardiorespiratory arrest in children

In pediatric age often respiratory arrest precedes cardiac arrest. The causes can be of different nature: respiratory, cardiological, neurological, from shock, from drugs, metabolic imbalances, or environmental causes. The signs

The cardiovascular system during poisonings

Poisoning can also cause cardiovascular collapse; in fact, antidepressant drugs can trigger cardiac arrhythmias, consequently altering cardiac output. It is necessary, therefore, to measure blood pressure and heart rate at

Methods of poisoning: antidepressant drugs

Today patients with antidepressant drug overdose. represent a large portion. The pharmacological properties of the antidepressants are multiple and include interference with release of adrenaline at the level of brain

Electrocution: what to do

In electrocution , the greatest damage is visible inside the body, even though the burn may appear small and superficial. What to do? Make sure the place is safe, unplug

Tranquilizers as a method of poisoning

Drugs of this type are divided into 2 groups major: minor tranquilizers and major tranquilizers. Tranquil minors These drugs are certainly less dangerous than the barbiturates, whose place they took.

Ingestion of poisonous substances

Ingested poisons normally stay in the stomach for a short time. Absorption occurs after the poison has passed through the small intestine. A poisonous substance does more damage to the

Hyperventilation: what to do?


Hyperventilation is when breathing is faster and deeper than usual as a result of emotional stress or anxiety. Symptoms of hyperventilation include fast and deep breathing, dizziness, chest pain, sweating, and tingling in the hands and around the mouth.

What to do?

  1. It is necessary to have the patient lie down in a quiet place for 15-30 minutes.
  2. Have the patient breathe more slowly and avoid breathing into a paper bag, as serious problems may arise.
  3. Reassure the patient and if he/she faints take appropriate measures.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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Pulmonary emphysema

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Coronavirus infection

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Allergic rhinitis

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Obstructive sleep apnea

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Respiratory failure

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