The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Status of epileptic illness

When we speak of seizure sickness we refer to recurrent compulsive seizures without restoration of consciousness before the onset of a new seizure. In children, it is necessary to ensure

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

Kawasaki syndrome and disease

Kawasaki syndrome is a disease also known as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. It is a vasculitis, sometimes affecting coronary arteries, that tends to occur in infants and children between 1

Carbamate insecticides: what are they?

Carbamate insecticides are being used more and more often as commercial pesticides. The pharmacological action is similar to that of the organophosphorus compounds, with the difference that binding to cholinesterases

Emergency measures during a poisoning.

“Dum spiro spero” may be a simple aphorism, but it sets a high bar for the treatment of the poisoned patient, as any deficit in the patient’s oxygenation can impair

Methods of poisoning: antidepressant drugs

Today patients with antidepressant drug overdose. represent a large portion. The pharmacological properties of the antidepressants are multiple and include interference with release of adrenaline at the level of brain

Main types of poisoning: opiates

Opiates are considered opium, morphine, pethidine, diamorphine, methadone, pentazocine, and dextropropoxyphene. These are able to sedate pain and result in drug dependence. Their production and sale are under strict control

Anuria and oliguria: what to do?

The anuria Is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Le causes may

Thoracic injuries: what to do?


These kinds of lesions can be of 2 types: pulmonary and chest wall. It is necessary to keep those affected by a chest injury while conscious, sitting or with head and shoulders elevated. It’s always important to call for an ambulance.

Rib fracture

Rib fracture causes pain during the breathing, coughing or movement. You need to stabilize the ribs, making holding a pillow or other soft object to the victim, or wrapping the chest with an elastic bandage. Taking deep breaths and coughing to prevent the onset of pneumonia.

Closed chest trauma

In this case the ribs can be fractured in 2 or more points. The chest wall can move in the opposite direction, to which it is important to stabilize the chest through one of the following methods:

  • Exercise a pressure with the hand.
  • Spread the patient on the injured side with a blanket or garment under it.

Penetrating wound

If it is a penetrating wound you have to absolutely stabilize the object with a voluminous dressing, not try to remove the object. This could cause hemorrhage and entry of area in the thoracic cavity.

Suction chest wound

This occurs when a chest wound allows the area to enter and exit the chest. It is necessary to inhale and exhale, tightly closing the wound to prevent the area from entering from the chest cavity. If the victim has difficulty breathing or gets worse, get the area out, and immediately afterwards reapply what was previously used to close the wound.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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