The electric shock

When electrical energy, by mistake or accident, reaches the body by traveling through it in several parts, electric shock occurs.

Anorexia nervosa

Anorexia nervosa was included in DSM 5 (2013) in the broader diagnostic category called Nutrition and Eating Disorders. The main characteristic of this disorder is food refusal. The term anorexia (literally

Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s Neuroma is a neuropathy consisting of a swelling of a nerve in the foot located between the third and fourth toes. The condition is named after the American surgeon

Pregnancy and the mother-child dyad

This course examines the individual's line of development beginning with pregnancy and how alterations in it can lead to mental pathology in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.

Anxiety: causes, symptoms and treatment

Anxiety or, more precisely, “generalized anxiety disorder” as stated in the “Statistical Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders, is a psychiatric disorder characterized by: intense and persistent worry and anxiety not

Mens sana in corpore sano!

Even the Ancient Romans were aware of the positive correlation between exercise and mental activity. But not all sports are the same. Which sports promote mental activity and what is

Medical Provisions and Peyronie’s Disease


Many principals have been used over the years to employ all possible therapeutic solutions suitable for stopping or alleviating the symptoms of what was referred to in Classical Medicine as Induratio Penis Plastica.
Since no specific drug was available that could act directly and effectively on the penile fibrous tissue caused by the disease, in addition to treatments with Vitamin E, with antioxidants and supplements, various mechanical aids, more or less adaptable to an in situ placement to create a traction and distension effect on the damaged part, came forward, among which many were difficult to apply and operate.
Penile traction therapy was aimed at limiting the penile curve and the resulting shortening, but it was necessary to refine the structure of the presidium that was to be applied, improving its tolerability and efficacy and reducing its application time.
In the U.S., researchers have developed a device that can be placed on the penis for as little as 30 minutes a day and up to just over an hour, and used in the early stage of the condition can result in a consistent reduction in the penile curve and also better preservation of organ length, which is endangered by the effect caused by the curve itself.
A clinical study conducted by a well-known U.S. clinic, the Mayo Clinic, was able to collect data on the results obtained by patients treated for several months with the device, which were published in the Journal of Urology and the Journal of Sequal Medicine.
One can inquire with one’s medical professional about the device, application and timing of use, being monitored at all times, always avoiding proceeding on one’s own with the risk of misuse of the device and consequent damage.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Francesca Marceddu
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via del Risorgimento 49 - Pirri
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Francesca Vittorelli
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Therapist, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

    • Corso Andrea Palladio 134 - Vicenza
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Carmela Tizziani
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Coroner, Certifying Doctor, Basic Doctors

    • Via Gaetano Bruno 25 - Napoli
  • Profile picture of Dr. Fabio Fabi
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Anna Puccio
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Vincenzo Ponsati 69 - Volvera


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