Home Remedies: What Works?

Treating Ailments with Home Remedies It’s best not to fully rely on what you’ve heard about curative remedies; it’s always better to discuss them with your primary care physician before

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Home Remedies: What Works?


Treating Ailments with Home Remedies

It’s best not to fully rely on what you’ve heard about curative remedies; it’s always better to discuss them with
your primary care physician before taking any risks. This is especially important when already taking prescribed
medications or over-the-counter drugs, as they may interact with other products.

Let’s explore some of these remedies:

1. Peppermint

Peppermint has long been considered a healing remedy. Peppermint oil can be used to alleviate symptoms of
irritable bowel syndrome, such as cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. It can also be used to
combat headaches. Although peppermint is used for other ailments, the mentioned uses are considered the most

2. Honey

Honey works well against coughs as a natural sweetener, especially for children who may find it more palatable
than over-the-counter products. However, it should not be given to infants or children under 1 year old due to
the risk of serious food poisoning.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that is widely talked about. Many consider it a remedy for various issues, from arthritic
pains to fatty liver. However, for some disorders, such as ulcers, there is no supporting evidence. The intake
of turmeric should be regulated to avoid digestive problems.

4. Ginger

A remedy used for centuries in Asia for stomachaches, nausea, and vomiting. However, it should be noted that, in
some cases, especially when used with people who have abdominal or intestinal disorders, ginger could create
interaction problems with other already administered medications, reducing their healing effect and sometimes
leading to unwanted effects. Therefore, it is recommended to use it moderately and consult with your doctor.

5. Sex

Although it doesn’t work against headaches, it is believed that sex is indicated as a remedy to improve heart
health, reduce stress, and keep the mind active and well-functioning.

6. Salt Water Mixture

By using boiled water mixed with salt, you can inhale it to clean or decongest your nasal passages during a
cold or allergic rhinitis. The mixture can also be used for anti-inflammatory gargles.

7. Green Tea

Widely consumed as a beverage, green tea helps to stay alert, contains powerful antioxidants that provide
cellular protection, and helps prevent diseases. It also acts as a remedy for the prevention of cardiovascular
and oncological pathologies.

8. Garlic

It has been proven that the intake of garlic helps prevent tumors and keeps cholesterol and blood pressure levels
under control.

9. Chicken Soup

An ancient remedy for colds and nasal congestion, ideal food during the flu, especially when the stomach cannot
tolerate heavy foods.

10. Cinnamon

A spice widely used in the preparation of recipes and desserts, it has been said to have properties to reduce
blood sugar, but there is no scientific evidence to support this. The intake should be regulated considering the
liver’s limited tolerance.

11. Hot Bath

A very effective remedy to alleviate arthritic symptoms, lower back pain, or muscle aches. A hot bath helps
improve blood circulation, considering that the water should be used at a moderate temperature and not too hot to
avoid irritating the skin.

12. Ice Packs

In traumatic episodes where there is a need to alleviate post-traumatic pain, ice packs can be applied to the
affected area in a bag, letting it cool for about twenty minutes with some intervals to avoid excessive
reddening of the skin.

13. Petroleum Jelly

An oil with many uses. Moisturizing, useful to keep the skin moist and prevent chafing. It can be used to prevent
skin irritations in babies caused by diapers.

14. Ear Candling

Although the remedy of using an ear candle for ear cleaning is still talked about, it should be noted that it is
a dangerous and ineffective practice that seriously endangers the ear and the integrity of the eardrum, which
could be perforated by the invasive action.

Home Remedies: What Works?
By the Medical Editorial Team of MySpecialDoctor Portal


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