Does sexual desire grows old or not?

In a society where being and staying young is a absolute imperative and the body is at the center of all forms of communication, any sign of aging that naturally

Consequences of using pornographic material.

From photography to red-light cinema, from VHS to smartphones, the pornographic world literally becomes at your fingertips. The literature describes pornography as widely accessible, easily enjoyed, anonymous, and increasingly socially

Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple

What is sexual identity?

Sexual identity is a construct that indicates how a person experiences pleasure, feeling, relating to others, and how they act out their sexuality through behavioral choices, and is directly influenced

Sexuality: the most common problems

Una sessualità soddisfacente è un elemento fondamentale della salute fisica e psichica e va tutelata a ogni età. Quando si manifestano disturbi, un sereno dialogo tra i partner e il

Habits that harm sex life

When you deals with sexual activity, age undoubtedly matters, because hormones male and female play a key role in the induction of desire and in triggering the mechanisms that enable

Causes of male infertility

Through history, women have always been accused of being the “cause” of male infertility. From the infamous case of Henry VIII repeatedly divorcing his “infertile” wives, to the millions of

Sex Toys, fantasy sometimes rescues eros


A few years ago, talking about “sex toys“, of vibrators or other useful tools to stimulate partners during the exercise of one’s sexual intimacy might have appeared to be a practice of the porn world or the fantasy si sex fans, but today these tools have become increasingly popular and the subject of sharing in columns, social networks, and even partially in the world of sexology and relationship studies.
Partly due to the overcoming of old moral taboos, partly due to technology that has been able to improve itself to the point of offering particularly sophisticated and “natural” tools capable of overcoming all inhibitions to the rediscovery of physical pleasure and sexual enjoyment.
So even a “sex toy” can contribute to helping couples in their pursuit of pleasure !
Statistical surveys have confirmed a significant increase of various “sex toys “in couple’s sexual relationships.
Here then appear “toys” such as the “Wild Vibrator” , the “Rabbit Vibrator,” the “G-Spot Vibrator,” the “Finger Vibrator,” the “Clit Sucker,” made both from the point of view of design and functionality with with with attractive looks.

Then one wonders what finally cleared “sex boys” through customs?

Perhaps many men do not feel diminished in their sexual prowess by the use of a “companion to the work” tool of intimacy, and it may be that many women have become more determined and autonomous in their pursuit of sexual pleasure, all in keeping with a changing society.
On the other hand, if sex is also play, it is conceivable that “toys” will come next.


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