Sex education : let’s address the issue

Talking about sex? Sure, but with whom? For years, we have witnessed the unfortunate back-and-forth between family and school, with neither taking responsibility for addressing the sensitive topic in depth

The benefits of healthy sexuality

No special reasons are needed to consider healthy sexuality important. It is pleasurable, relaxes, feels good physically and psychologically, allows deep communication between partners and strengthens relationships. But it may

Other types of sexually explicit content

Pornography falls under what is referred to in the literature as SEM ( sexually explicit material ) and SEIM ( sexually explicit internet material). These are images, videos, gifs and

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by human herpes virus 1 or 2. Causes ulcerative genital lesions. Diagnosis is clinical with laboratory confirmation by culture tests, PCR (polymerase

Sexual relations in the time of Covid 19

The guidelines adopted to reduce the risk of Covid 19 infection limit interpersonal contacts, also affecting sexual life. Although Covid-19 is not classifiable as a sexually transmitted disease. All this causes effects in people's sexual habits.

Online dating applications (dating app)

With the spread of mobile data and smartphones, the world of online dating has also evolved accordingly, developing mobile apps, one among them Tinder. This is a free dating app

The sexuality of Italians

The study conducted by the Center for Social Investment Studies(Censis, 2019) provides information on a precise segment of the population, namely people aged 18 to 40, referred to as “young

Sex Toys, fantasy sometimes rescues eros


A few years ago, talking about “sex toys“, of vibrators or other useful tools to stimulate partners during the exercise of one’s sexual intimacy might have appeared to be a practice of the porn world or the fantasy si sex fans, but today these tools have become increasingly popular and the subject of sharing in columns, social networks, and even partially in the world of sexology and relationship studies.
Partly due to the overcoming of old moral taboos, partly due to technology that has been able to improve itself to the point of offering particularly sophisticated and “natural” tools capable of overcoming all inhibitions to the rediscovery of physical pleasure and sexual enjoyment.
So even a “sex toy” can contribute to helping couples in their pursuit of pleasure !
Statistical surveys have confirmed a significant increase of various “sex toys “in couple’s sexual relationships.
Here then appear “toys” such as the “Wild Vibrator” , the “Rabbit Vibrator,” the “G-Spot Vibrator,” the “Finger Vibrator,” the “Clit Sucker,” made both from the point of view of design and functionality with with with attractive looks.

Then one wonders what finally cleared “sex boys” through customs?

Perhaps many men do not feel diminished in their sexual prowess by the use of a “companion to the work” tool of intimacy, and it may be that many women have become more determined and autonomous in their pursuit of sexual pleasure, all in keeping with a changing society.
On the other hand, if sex is also play, it is conceivable that “toys” will come next.


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