Dental caries: what are they?

Dental caries, ( from Latin caries, “corrosion, putrefaction”) is one of the most prevalent and common degenerative diseases in dentistry. This is a degenerative process that damages the hard tissues

Cytomegalovirus infections in children

Because CMV can be detected in saliva, urine and other body fluids, the infection can be present in children without any apparent symptoms, being able to be transmitted unimpeded within the home and school communities.

A night shift?

It is not night work as such that is responsible, but the shifts that occur that go into changing the balance of the biological clock. Fatigue may be a direct sign

Uveitis of the eye

Uveitis is a generic term describing a group of inflammatory diseases that cause swelling, inflammation, and damage to ocular tissues; the term originates from the fact that these conditions often

Neck and back injuries


In the case of a traffic accident, from falls or from diving, all victims should be treated as if they had a spinal cord injury. As a result, victims may also report head injury, numbness, weakness or burning sensation in the limbs, paralysis of the arms, deformity, and pain in movement. It is necessary to examine spinal function by swiping the sole of the foot toward the big toe with a wrench or other sharp object. If the big toe bends downward the reaction is normal, but if the big toe bends upward it is a spinal or brain injury. At this point ask the conscious victim a series of questions:

  • “Do you feel pain?” Neck injuries radiate pain to the arms, upper back injuries radiate pain along the ribs, lower back injuries radiate the pain along the legs.
  • “Can you move your feet?” The rescuer must ask the victim to move your foot against his hand. If he fails in this movement, he will It is probably a spinal cord injury.
  • “Can you move your fingers?” If the victim is able to move his or her fingers, the pathways nerves are intact.

If the victim is unconscious try to provoke Of reactions by shaking hands and feet. The absence of reaction could indicate spinal cord injury.

What to do?

  1. Check the ABCHs and call the ambulance.
  2. Leave the victim in the position he or she is in.
  3. Immobilize the victim to prevent him or her from moving.

If the victim is lying down, grasp the victim’s clavicle and trapezius muscle and lift the head between the inner side of your forearms. Keep the head and neck immobile until the ambulance arrives.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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