In autumn, you know, everyone is a little less cheerful. The hours of light diminish, weather conditions worsen and take away the desire to go out to meet friends and engage in physical activity or simply stroll, work is in full swing, and everything seems a little heavier than the due. These and other factors cause those suffering from depression, in autumn, may go through a worsening of typical symptoms of the illness: deep sadness much of the time, desire to cry unmotivated, sense of loneliness and abandonment, decrease in energy, loss of interest and inability to derive pleasure from activities and situations, fatigue constant and increased need for sleep, altered appetite. But the depression can also have atypical symptoms, which few people know about, but which do not are to be neglected. These, for example. .
Not to stop at the dress rehearsal
Let’s face it: despite the endless variations of diets and the ever-new activities offered by gyms to attract clients, of secrets and easy ways to achieve and maintain a fit