Air conditioned and cooled Yes, frozen No!

Although the benefits of air conditioning are unquestionable, a number of disadvantages or contraindications have also become apparent over the past few decades, resulting from the increasingly widespread use of air conditioning in rooms and people's habits.

Poisoning from petroleum derivatives

Petroleum derivatives consist of aliphatic hydrocarbons, which may contain a small amount of aromatic hydrocarbons. Many petroleum derivatives may also contain a small percentage of organic lead. At the time

Sounds, noises and hearing disorders

Sound, both when produced by musical instruments and when produced by other sources such as automobiles, work tools or industrial equipment, is perceived by the human auditory system, but also by l brain, with different reactions by the human body.

The economics of human potential

Can one really take care of the early stages of life? Can we really expect to decrease organic and mental pathology and increase the individual's human and social development potential? Or is it a mere utopia that cannot have practical and organizational feedback?

Sexual Habits: Outercourse, non-penetrative sex

Sexual partners may move toward outcourse for a variety of reasons of a practical, ideological, moral, or religious nature, to limit the risk of pregnancy, as a matter of sexual preference , as an alternative to menstruation, or for medical impediments that advise against penetration at a given time.

Electrocution: what to do

In electrocution , the greatest damage is visible inside the body, even though the burn may appear small and superficial. What to do? Make sure the place is safe, unplug

Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple

De Quervain’s syndrome: how to treat it


De Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis is an inflammatory process affecting the synovial sheath of the thumb tendons (long abductor and short extensor).
The condition is characterized by painful narrowing of the synovium at the point where, these involved tendons pass over a bony protrusion called the styloid of the radius: the increased volume in the digital canal, due to the inflammatory process, creates painful friction during tendon sliding.

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Arthrosis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip is also called coxarthrosis and is a chronic degenerative disease of the hip joint due to progressive disruption of articular cartilage. Hip osteoarthritis can be primary


Tendons are the fibrous structures that connect the ends of muscles to bones allowing the contractile apparatus to perform its functions. Tendonitis is defined as inflammation of a tendon. It

Shoulder arthrosis

In the shoulder, the different joints, and particularly the scapulohumeral (or glenohumeral) joint, which is located between the joint heads of the scapula and humerus, are normally lined with cartilage,

Paget’s bone disease

Paget’s bone disease represents an abnormality in the physiological process by which the body over time gradually replaces old bone tissue with newly produced bone tissue. This process can become


Low back pain, or more simply back pain, is a disorder involving the muscles and bones of the back. It is extremely widespread and affects a very high percentage of

Calcaneal spur

Calcaneal spur refers to a thorn or hook-shaped bony protuberance (osteophyte) that results from an abnormal calcification process that can occur at the level of the calcaneus bone, under the

Meniere’s Syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome is a balance disorder characterized by recurrent and unpredictable “attacks” involving the onset of intense dizziness, associated with reduced hearing, whistling and buzzing. Each attack is heralded by


According to the World Health Organization (1993) definition, “Osteoporosis is a pathological condition characterized by loss of bone mass and qualitative deterioration of bone tissue, resulting in an increase in


The term “gonarthrosis” refers to arthrosis that develops at the level of the knee; in terms of causes, nature, characteristics and evolution, it is completely superimposable to arthrosis affecting other

Herniated disc

The intervertebral disc consists of a central deformable cartilaginous part, called the “nucleus pulposus,” surrounded by a containing fibrous lining, called the annulus. When the disc is young and healthy,

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