Dyspepsia is characterized by the presence of localized pain in theupper abdomen.
It can be: organic or functional.
Functional Dyspepsia can be classified into:
- Ulcer-likedyspepsia, the main symptom of which is epigastric pain that often decreases with food intake; in fact, the pain appears more often on an empty stomach.
- Motor dyspepsia-like dyspepsia, the main symptom of which is chronic abdominal discomfort often aggravated by meal intake.
- Non-specific dyspepsia, through which the symptom pattern does not meet the criteria for either of the previous two groups.
Feeding and dyspepsia: Abdominal complaints and postprandial onset include epigastric pain, early satiety, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, headache, and drowsiness. Dietary adjustments are related to the prevailing type of symptomatology.