Headache and Covid 19

In fact, patients with COVID 19 may present with various neurological symptoms, and among these, one of the most common is headaches.

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Deep brain stimulation (DBS from the English acronym Deep Brain Stimulation) is a surgical treatment with the goal of reducing debilitating motor symptoms that characterize movement disorders such as Parkinson’s,

Reviving couples’ sexuality during the vacations

Sometimes one wonders why during vacation days most couples discover a more vibrant and exciting sex life than that usually experienced in their bedrooms during normal days, and the idea arises that one should replicate that atmosphere.

Pregnancy and the mother-child dyad

This course examines the individual's line of development beginning with pregnancy and how alterations in it can lead to mental pathology in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.

Transient ischemic attack: what to do?

Transient ischemic attack is usually the wake-up call for stroke. one-third of TIAs resolve spontaneously remaining a confined event, one-third go on to relapse, and one-third evolve to stroke. Symptoms

Esketamine: the new depression drug approved in the U.S.


A new drug has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (Fda) a nasal spray, based on esketamine, a ketamine derivative, that appears to relieve symptoms of depression. Some experts appeared skeptical about the new drug.

The nasal spray

The government agency approved the esketamine-based spray. It part of the anesthetic ketamine molecule that appears to act within hours already, so it may then become the first fast-acting depression drug available on the U.S. market.

Mixed opinions

Opinions in the medical community immediately appeared mixed and were soon divided: some welcomed the arrival of the new depression drug and others expressed doubts and skepticism about the substance.

Most critics argued that the new drug was approved too quickly and, more importantly, not taking into account the high risk of abuse of the substance, which is sometimes misused as a drug with psychedelic effects.


In fact, it is not only a drug but also a drug. In fact, ketamine is certainly an anesthetic drug, but it is also simultaneously a hard drug, which is why caution should be exercised and the public should be warned about potential abuse.

The ability to administer esketamine via a nasal spray does not imply that patients will be able to use it independently. In fact, the drug will be available only in certified clinics in which patients can be followed and monitored by physicians , a decision by the Fda that surely aims to significantly reduce the risk of abuse and addiction.

The economic aspect should also be considered since one course of treatment will cost about $7,000 .

Quick effect

The new drug , developed by the pharmaceutical company Janssen, unlike most of the antidepressants available, whose desired effects can take as long as 4-6 weeks therapeutic time , is able to act in a few hours and will be directed only to patients in whom other therapies have not been successful.


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