Omega-3: some doubt about the benefits

Celebrated for about two decades as an extraordinary means of preventing cardiovascular disease (to the point of being prescribed as a true prophylactic therapy after a heart attack) and as

Drug allergies: uncommon, but not rare

When taking a drug, alongside the desired therapeutic effects, one may experience one or more discomforts related to characteristic and non-eliminable side actions of the active ingredients it contains or

Pro-arrhythmic drugs: more attention needed

Congenital long QT syndrome is a cardiac condition present from birth that essentially consists of a “repolarization defect,” that is, an electrophysiological alteration that results in a lengthening of the

Methods of poisoning: cardioactive glucosides

Overdose of these drugs is chronic and is almost always due to careless treatment. The reactions can be seen as an exaggerated expression of their pharmacological properties. Once toxic levels

Methods of poisoning: antidepressant drugs

Today patients with antidepressant drug overdose. represent a large portion. The pharmacological properties of the antidepressants are multiple and include interference with release of adrenaline at the level of brain

Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infection: a new strategy set to change the vaccination calendar


VRS podcast (click to listen)

(click the link above to listen to the Podcast by Dr. Piercarlo Salari)


  • Profile picture of Dr. Sergio Ettore Salteri
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Chiropractors, Posturologists

    • Via Vial di Romans 8 - Cordenons
  • Profile picture of Dr. Lorenzo Cerreoni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Macero Sauli 52 - Forlì
  • Profile picture of Dr. Tiziana Volpe
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors, Professional Counselor

    • Piazzale Jonio 50 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Roberto Zaffaroni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via San Francesco D' Assisi 5 - Varese
  • Profile picture of Dr. Monica Gamba
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Plastic Surgeons, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Radich 21/N - Grugliasco



A cold is an acute respiratory infection of viral origin that primarily affects the nose and throat and may be accompanied by coughing. Once affected by the viruses, the nasal


Epithelioma is a tumor due to abnormal growth of epithelium, which corresponds to the tissue that lines the surface of all hollow structures and organs in the human body (from


Adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue that help the body fight infection. The adenoids are located in the pharynx, just behind the nose; along with the tonsils, they are the


Anorgasmia is the syndrome by which we refer to the difficulty in having orgasms even after normal sexual stimulation. The intensity and frequency of orgasms in women are variables that

Uncontrolled eating disorder

Uncontrolled eating disorder is an eating behavior disorder that is characterized by an inability to control food intake, resulting in the more or less frequent repetition of binges similar to


Cytomegalovirus is a DNA virus that belongs to the herpes virus group. After primary infection it persists in a latent form in the body and can reactivate when defense systems

Food allergies and intolerances

Physical reactions to certain foods are common, but for the most part they are caused by afood intolerance rather than a food allergy. A food intolerance can cause some of

Senile vascular dementia

Senile vascular dementia corresponds to a process of cognitive decline that goes beyond the physiological reduction in intellectual capacity associated with aging. In most cases, vascular dementia is related to

Respiratory failure

A condition of “respiratory failure” is present when the respiratory system is unable to ensure efficient gas exchanges through the lungs, preventing the maintenance of an adequate balance between oxygen

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignancies in adulthood in Western countries, especially in the male sex. In most cases, it develops from the cells lining the inner

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