Chinese acupuncture is a traditional medical practice that has its roots in ancient Chinese medicine.
It relies on the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body, called “acupuncture points,” to relieve pain and treat a wide range of health disorders.
According to Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture works on the body’s “energy lines,” called “meridians,” to restore balance and improve the circulation of blood and vital energy, called “Qi.”
The needles stimulate acupuncture points to regulate the flow of qi through the meridians, which in turn help the body heal and relieve symptoms.
Chinese acupuncture is often used to treat problems of chronic pain, stress, anxiety, depression, digestive problems, allergies, and other diseases.
It is considered a form of complementary and alternative medicine and is often used in conjunction with other traditional medical treatments.
It is important to note that Chinese acupuncture must be performed by a highly trained and competent practitioner, as it involves the insertion of fine needles into the.
If you are interested in Chinese acupuncture, it is advisable to consult a qualified physician or experienced acupuncture practitioner to see if it may be an appropriate option for you and your health condition.
Cupping and moxibustion are two traditional Chinese medicine techniques used to promote health and well-being of the body.
Cupping involves applying glass or plastic cups or cups to the skin, creating a suction effect that causes the cup to adhere to the skin. This can help improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Moxibustion involves applying heat to specific points on the body using dried herbs, particularly Artemisia vulgaris (also known as “moxa”). This technique can help stimulate the body’s energy (called Qi) and improve blood circulation.
Both techniques are often used in conjunction with other traditional Chinese medicine techniques such as acupuncture, the use of medicinal herbs, and diet to promote health and well-being of the body.