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Risk factors, complications, and prevention of obstructive sleep apnea


There are factors that can affect the increased risk of sleep apnea, but complications should be watched for and some behavioral rules that can help in prevention should be adopted.

Examples of risk factors include:

  • Excess weight. Obesity greatly increases the risk of sleep apnea. Fat deposits located around the upper respiratory tract, throat nose and mouth may obstruct can proper respiratory function.
  • Neck circumference. People with a more double neck or greater spread of fat may have more difficulty breathing with more restricted airways.
  • Narrower anatomical throat conformation, partly due to the presence of particularly obstructive tonsils and adenoids.
  • Being male and overweight, since the incidence of AONs is higher in the male sex and more significant in case of body fat accumulation.
  • Being older is a factor that exposes more to AONs.
  • Family history. Another risk factor if apneas are already present in one’s family members’ medical history certainly constitutes a possible predisposition.
  • Alcohol consumption, the use of sedative or muscle relaxant drugs, which cause excessive relaxation of the throat muscles making obstructive sleep apnea worse.
  • Smoking Habit. Smoking produces heat and increases inflammation of the throat and upper airway, also causing water retention.
  • Nasal congestion. A nose clogged with mucus or affected by allergy problems is not conducive to breathing and forces the use of the mouth and apnea disorder.
  • Clinical conditions such as, previous illnesses such as chronic respiratory disease, asthma, stroke, Heart failure, hypertension, type 2 diabetes or Parkinson’s disease, hormonal disorders are possible risk factors for sleep apneaeas.


As sleep apnea is a medical condition with serious conditions for the patient’s quality of life, attention should be paid to possible complications, including:

  • Daytime fatigue accompanied by drowsiness during daytime hours, sometimes exhaustion and irritability, implying a constant risk of traffic accidents or work-related injuries.
  • Depressed mood, short-tempered attitude.
  • Hypertension or heart problems.
  • Arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation.
  • Sudden death due to hypoxemia.
  • Type 2 diabetes, increased insulin resistance.
  • Metabolic syndrome, with hypertension, high cholesterol levels, high blood sugar, and visceral fat.
  • Complications with drugs and surgery. Instructional sleep apnea is a problem when anesthesia is needed or when sedatives are administered. Before surgery, the physician should always be informed of the presence of this condition.
  • Liver problems. People with sleep apnea complain of altered liver function tests and often “fatty liver” as well.
  • Heavy snoring also damages the rest of those next to the snoring person, depriving them, too, of regular and restful sleep.

Patients should limit body positions during sleep, keeping in mind that the supine position is most conducive to snoring.


For milder cases of obstructive sleep apnea, some preventive measures can be taken:

  • Weight loss.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Moderate or, better yet, avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Avoiding smoking.
  • Avoid taking anti-allergic medications, and use a nasal decongestant.


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