Cutaneous angioma

Skin angiomas are mostly benign neoformations due to the abnormal cellular development of sanguneous or lymphatic vessels. The most common form of cutaneous angioma is hemangioma, which consists of a proliferation

Sleepiness? Perhaps sleep apnea

You can sleep as long as 8 hours in a row but without resting if you experience continuous apneas during the night that stop your breathing recurrently for a few

Customized cardiovascular risk calculators

For more than two decades now, cardiologists have been developing algorithms to calculate the cardiovascular risk, i.e., the probability that a person may be a victim of a heart attack

Lung disorders: pleurisy

Viral pleurisy is a viral infection of the pleura (the thin, transparent, two-layered membrane that covers the lungs), which, typically, causes chest pain on breathing or with coughing. Viral pleurisy

Can glaucoma be prevented?

The most significant prevention of glaucoma lies in having an eye examination at the onset of the first complaints or specific symptoms of eye disease.

Lumbago: a psychosomatic symptom?

Talking about psychological factors causing back pain or contributing to its maintenance does not mean that the symptoms are imaginary-they are very real physical problems caused by psychological distress.

Hepatitis D: what is it?


Hepatitis D is caused by a defective RNA virus (delta agent) that can replicate only in the presence of hepatitis B virus. Hepatitis B infection rarely occurs as coinfection during acute hepatitis B or as superinfection during chronic hepatitis, also type B.

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  • Profile picture of Dr. Antonio Varriale
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Dentists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Grotta dell Olmo 20 - Giugliano in Campania
  • Profile picture of Dott. Gianlorenzo Casani
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Geriatrics, Certifying Doctor, Basic Doctors

    • Via Costantino Baroni 71/73 - Milano
  • Profile picture of Dott. Sandro Morganti
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Orthopedists, Basic Doctors, Osteopaths

    • Via Foligno 6 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Erminia Maria Ferrari
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Homeopathic Medicine, Basic Doctors, Pediatricians

    • Via San Carlo 3 - Castel Rozzone
  • Profile picture of Dr. Roberto Zaffaroni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via San Francesco D' Assisi 5 - Varese



Esophagitis is an acute or chronic inflammation that can damage the tissues of the esophagus, the stretch of the alimentary canal that connects the pharynx to the stomach. In mild

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a fairly common inflammation of the liver in all countries of the world, brought about by infection with Hepatitis B virus (HBV), which is the second leading

Intestinal polyposis

Polyps are abnormal growths of tissue protruding to a mucous tonaca; they are pathological growths that, in the intestines, form especially in the colon and rectum. For the most part,

Liver cancer

Several types of tumors can form in the liver. The most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma, which begins in hepatocytes, the main type of liver cells. Other

Hiatal hernia

Hiatal hernia occurs when the upper part of the stomach bulges through the diaphragm, the large muscle that separates the abdomen and chest. The diaphragm has a small opening (hiatus)

Celiac disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that can occur in genetically predisposed people in whom the ingestion of gluten results in damage to the small intestine. It is estimated to

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder affecting the large intestine. This is a chronic condition that must be managed for the long term. Only a small number of people


Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder wall. The inflammatory process, once initiated, generates changes at both microscopic and macroscopic levels, evolving from simple congestion, through a suppuration phase, to


Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas, the long, flat gland located transversely at the top and back of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas produces enzymes that aid digestion and hormones

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer begins when cancer cells form in the inner lining of the stomach and then grow uncontrollably. Gastric carcinoma is the most frequent malignant tumor of the stomach; it

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