Vaccines, it is alarm throughout Italy

The situation in Italy regarding the vaccines: almost in all regions there is less than 95 percent coverage, a threshold that does not guarantee herd immunity. The past few days

Couple’s understanding and the holiday season

In the collective imagination, the Christmas holidays are laden with strong rhetoric: everyone should be good and happy, families reunite in a harmonious and joyful manner, the new year represent a decisive turning point of change...

Informed consent: a right of every patient

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New treatment for acute myeloid leukemia


Therapy of acute myeloid leukemia

Until 2017, the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has always consisted of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation. Now available is midostaurin, the first drug that acts specifically only on leukemic cells and is indicated in FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) mutation carriers, accounting for about one-third of all individuals with AML and the first treatment approved in Italy in 2 years.

Midostaurin is also reimbursed for the treatment of advanced systemic mastocytosis, a rare disease burdened by limited life expectancy with few treatment options. Diagnosis of the FLT3 mutation should be made early because therapy with the specific inhibitor, i.e., midostaurin), should be started as soon as possible (currently it is administered at day 8 after chemotherapy). Follow-ups to assess response to therapy should then be done after induction therapy and at the end of consolidation. It is also important to check with cytofluorimetric and molecular biology tests for residual disease status before and after stem cell transplantation (for patients who will undergo this procedure).

Source: Novartis


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