Sexual desire in the various ages of life

It may seem easy to define it, but despite the many studies conducted, the composition of the structure of sexual desire, what elements make it up and to what extent they may influence it, is still unclear.

Uveitis of the eye

Uveitis is a generic term describing a group of inflammatory diseases that cause swelling, inflammation, and damage to ocular tissues; the term originates from the fact that these conditions often

The enemies of male sexuality

How is your sex life going? Do you feel confident and in tune with your body? Are you satisfied? Or do you feel that something is not working as it

The memory that is lost with age

It is known that going forward in years a gradual loss of memory occurs, which is defined as dementia when it results in problems for the person’s daily life. Dementia

Maybe it’s the drugs?


Some medications can cause drowsiness or even fatigue, precisely because they can promote sleep apnea.
In particular are some drugs that relax muscles, muscle relaxants, some sedatives, and some antidepressants.
Report the problem to your doctor for a change in therapy.


  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Floriana Di Martino
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Piazza della Rinascita 13 - Pescara
  • Profile picture of Dr. Fabio Fabi
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott. Gianlorenzo Casani
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Geriatrics, Certifying Doctor, Basic Doctors

    • Via Costantino Baroni 71/73 - Milano
  • Profile picture of Dott. Giovanni Adamo
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Angiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Provincia di Ragusa - Ragusa
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giuseppe Panico
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Dermatologists, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma



Rubella is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted from person to person by droplets from nasopharyngeal secretions. Rubella is endemic worldwide and, in the absence of specific


Tetanus is a disease caused by Clostridium tetani, a gram-positive, anaerobic, sporigenic bacterium that enters the body through a wound and leads to systemic manifestations through a toxin (exotoxin). WHO

Shock, medical emergency

It may happen that the circulation of blood through the body undergoes a sudden change giving rise to a condition of physiological shock, with decreased flow and crisis on the


Candida Albicans and other related species can result in different types of infections. Cutaneous candidiasis include the condition of eroded skin between the toes, balanines the mycosis of the nails,


Chickenpox to date remains the most prevalent vaccine-preventable disease in our country. It is transmitted airborne, person-to-person, through Pflugge droplets or by direct contact with skin lesions of patients with


Salmonella infection or salmonellosis is a bacterial infection that affects theintestines. This bacterium inhabits the intestinal tract of animals andhumans and escapes to the outside with theexpulsion of feces. It


Cytomegalovirus is a DNA virus that belongs to the herpes virus group. After primary infection it persists in a latent form in the body and can reactivate when defense systems


Mumps is an acute generalized viral infection, mainly affecting school-age children and adolescents. A disease is widespread throughout the world, and humans are the only natural hosts. A carrier state


Measles is a viral infection found everywhere in the world; it is a disease that affects only humans, there are no animal reservoirs, no asymptomatic carrier status. WHO estimated there

Coronavirus infection

Actually, Coronavirus belongs to a type of viruses that can cause various diseases from simple cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019,

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