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Prevention and risk factors of aortic valvulopathy


Aortic insufficiency is a direct result of improper closure of the valve, which causes blood pumped from the left ventricle to be redirected.
At the level of symptoms, difficult breathing, exhaustion appear, but more relevant disorders and symptoms such as heart failure and endocarditis may also occur.
Usually aortic insufficiency caused by valvulopathy can also remain silent for years without giving rise to symptoms, or manifesting only in mild complaints to which the person may not pay attention.
However, as a result of comorbid situations or other heart disease present, such as endocarditis, aortic insufficiency can then become evident in a severe form, decompensating the heart.

How to prevent aortic insufficiency?

First of all, blood pressure should always be watched, as untreated high values can damage the valvular structure of the heart.
Then rheumatic disease poses a significant risk when it comes to the prevention of aortic insufficiency andendocarditis, so rheumatism, recurrent sore throats, streptococcal infections, dental abscesses, gingivitis, but also effects from autoimmune diseases need to be kept in check.

The prevention of valvulopathy cannot be attributed to a few preventive actions but rather to many, so every person will be able to follow basic preventive rules to reduce this risk, and they are:

  • Abolish smoking.
  • Adopt a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, fish, lean meats preferring foods low in cholesterol, saturated fat, sugar and salt.
  • Gymnastic exercises, walking, or other moderate physical activity. Before choosing a type of physical activity or sport ask for advice from the attending physician, who, knowing the condition of the heart, will be able to direct the choice correctly and risk-free.
  • Maintain constant hygiene of the mouth, teeth and oral cavity by practicing constant tooth cleaning in the dental office, but also on a personal level, in order to avoid the development of local infections.
  • Inform your dentist of your heart condition in case you have to undergo dental treatment with risk of infection, a danger for endocarditis.

Risk factors for aortic valvulopathy are then to be considered, such as:

  • A patient well along in years.
  • The presence of congenital heart disease.
  • Some preexisting conditions such as chronic kidney disease.
  • Undergoing radiation therapy.

Possible complications to be aware of can be serious or very serious and risky for the patient such as an abnormal heart rhythm, stroke, and up to cardiac arrest.


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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

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  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Anna Puccio
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