Edward de Bono. Simplicity.

Edward de Bono in his book assumes that there is often an easy way to do things. In life many problems can be identified and solved in a short time,

Inner motivation and personal growth

We often wonder how it is possible to preserve and Increase their motivation in a work environment that tends to be demotivating, how to maintain trust in a company that

Learning to think

Thinking and intelligence are two different things: intelligence is comparable to the power of a car engine; thinking, on the other hand, is the skill of the driver. Many people

Starting a physical activity: some tips

The reasons that often prompt us to start a physical activity are many and varied. One of the main motivations is definitely aesthetic (one plays sports to improve one’s physical

We walk half an hour

Good weather encourages outdoor physical activity. If you want to engage inbasic motor activity, such as a simple walk, just devoting a half hour a day, even if every other

When work takes your breath away

When it comes to safety in the workplace one is inclined to think primarily of accidents that can occur while using machinery and tools, while driving motor vehicles, through accidental

Time management


There are different ways to use time , and the worst way is to do something well that does not need to be done, wasting energy that accomplishes nothing. We are often busy chasing time, forgetting to define our time and set priorities.

You cannot do everything, so it is important to understand the real nature of the problems to be addressed in the short, medium and long term. It is necessary to draw a mind map with activities that should be divided into 4 quadrants: urgent activities, non-urgent but important activities, urgent but unimportant activities, and, finally, non-urgent and unimportant activities. Ideally, one should be able to move normally within the second quadrant through careful planning. The most useful advice is to have clear objectives, define priority interventions, and screen all problematic situations. A major obstacle to optimal time management is the tendency not to address problems at the right time and in the right ways. Also very important is the break within an activity schedule; in fact, at least one hour a day should be devoted to informing you about developments related to your work. Among the most immediate dangers is the ease with which people are willing to take on others’ problems, so it is important that there be an equitable distribution of workloads and a sharing of responsibility. The ability to perceive time and reality as a whole is definitely a prerequisite for professional growth through an active attitude of one’s life.

Source: I don’t have time for… How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa OLGA PETROVSKAIA
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