Dental abscess: treatment and remedies

Have you noticed that you have a dental abscess? In this article you will find out what it is specifically, what causes this problem and what remedies you can use

Hemolytic crisis: what is the treatment?

The causes of hemolysis can be different. A simple peripheral smear may indicate severe ongoing hemolysis. The most common symptoms are pallor and modest skin jaundice and treatment will have

Cardiorespiratory arrest

In pediatric age, respiratory arrest often precedes cardiacarrest. The causes may be different: respiratory, cardiological, neurological, from shock, from drugs, from metabolic imbalances, or from environmental causes. The signs are:

Acute lumbago: causes and treatment

In acute low back pain (abbreviated: LA), one experiences sharp and sudden pain in the lower back area. Usually the trigger is an innocuous movement performed during exercise or daily

The economics of human potential

Can one really take care of the early stages of life? Can we really expect to decrease organic and mental pathology and increase the individual's human and social development potential? Or is it a mere utopia that cannot have practical and organizational feedback?

Pentachlorophenol poisoning

Pentachlorophenol is used as a protective coating on beams. Occupational exposure occurs mainly through the skin. This substance acts as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation. There are several controversies for

Nicotine: how to respond?

Much less nicotine is used in agriculture today than in the past, but it is still used in horticultural applications. An oral dose of no more than 40 mg of

Cushing’s syndrome: causes and remedies


Cushing’s Syndrome (CS) is a rare condition resulting from an excess of cortisol in the body.
Cortisol is a hormone normally produced by the adrenal glands and is essential for life: it allows us to respond to stressful situations, such as disease, and has effects on almost all tissues in the body. It is produced in peaks, more frequent in the morning and much reduced at night.
When the body produces too much cortisol, no matter what the cause, we are in the presence of Cushing’s Syndrome.
When Cushing’s syndrome is caused by a pituitary tumor we are in the presence of Cushing’s disease, in fact the most common cause of syndrome.

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Pituitary tumor

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