A glass of good wine at the table, the aperitif after the work, a beer with friends. Spirits, since time immemorial, have been a presence almost inevitable of any convivial, cheerful or relaxed situation, goliardic or reflective. Taken occasionally, in moderate amounts, by adult people, they are an essentially harmless and consequence-free pleasure. When, on the other hand, they begin to become a permanent fixture (if not actually a necessity) and the quantities consumed gradually increase, you should turn on a wake-up call: it could be the beginning of an addiction, that needs to be nipped in the bud. These signs to watch out for To see if alcohol is becoming a problem.

Anti Covid-19 thermoscanner
It is one of the items that came to the fore as a result of the Covid 19 outbreak, the remote thermoscanner, this kind of thermometer in the shape of