Sjogren’s syndrome

In 1933, Swedish physician Henrik Sjögren first described a group of women in whom chronic arthritis was accompanied by dry eyes and mouth, effectively discovering a condition that still bears

Goiter: what it is and how to treat it

The term goiter refers to the increased volume of the thyroid gland, the butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland is a gland that controls

Cytomegalovirus infections in children

Because CMV can be detected in saliva, urine and other body fluids, the infection can be present in children without any apparent symptoms, being able to be transmitted unimpeded within the home and school communities.

Lumbago: a psychosomatic symptom?

Talking about psychological factors causing back pain or contributing to its maintenance does not mean that the symptoms are imaginary-they are very real physical problems caused by psychological distress.


Vitiligo is a loss of melanocytes that causes certain areas of the skin to lighten. Areas of lightened skin are found on various parts of the body. In general, doctors

Dry skin can be itchy

Very dry and wrinkled skin that is very tight and therefore less soft and less moisturized can give rise to the appearance of itching. Itching is a sign of a

A night shift?

It is not night work as such that is responsible, but the shifts that occur that go into changing the balance of the biological clock. Fatigue may be a direct sign

Probiotics and allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is a very common and widespread condition in the population with fairly high rates and symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and nasal congestion.

Brain aneurysm: what is it?

Cerebral aneurysm is a permanent protuberance, that is, a focal dilatation of an arterial vessel in the brain at which the wall stretches, thinning and forming a bubble. It can

Cannabis, active ingredients can be produced from beer yeast


In Berkeley, researchers at the University of California have made a kind of “green” factories by engineering brewer’s yeast, resulting in cannabinoids. It follows that in the near future it would no longer be necessary to cultivate cannabis.

The transformation

Brewer’s yeast cells have becomemicroscopic factories of tetrahydrocannabidiol (Thc), Cbd(cannabidiol) and other natural and nonnatural cannabinoids, byJay Keasling, of the University of California, Berkeley.

This method could ensure obtaining high quality and low price products, even while respecting the environment.

The transition from plant to yeast

Nature published the full article with all the scientific evidence for the method. The researchers detail the steps to accomplish the transformation of brewer’s yeast cells into cannabinoid-producing units.

Considering that the use of yeast is already widely used to produce chemicals for therapeutic purposes such as growth hormone, insulin, blood clotting factors and soon some opioids, idea does not appear brand new , but efficiently engineering the cells represents the relevant discovery.

The challenge

Keasling called it “An interesting scientific challenge,” having had the approval and oversight of the DEA, and having inserted a dozen genes into the yeast as instructions for the chemical steps needed to obtain the different byproducts.

The yeast, according to the prescribed process, is induced to convert sugar into Cbga (cannabigerolic acid), which is then in turn transformed by specific enzymes into the derivatives Thca and Cbda. Light and heat complete the job by finally converting them into Thc and Cbd, which are then secreted by cells into the surrounding environment.


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Venous insufficiency

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The tonsils are lymphoglandular organs found in the oral cavity and perform a function of protecting the respiratory system from microorganisms in the air. They are divided into four major

Hepatitis A

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