Work stress and organizational difficulties

Keith Yamashita and Sandra Spataro in their book “On-Off” stated the problem of personal motivation in the context of a group and determined some strategies against work stress. A sense

When work takes your breath away

When it comes to safety in the workplace one is inclined to think primarily of accidents that can occur while using machinery and tools, while driving motor vehicles, through accidental

Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence.

“Emotional Intelligence” and “Working with Emotional Intelligence” represent two seminal works for modern psychology; in fact, they resonate as a necessary turning point at a time when we realized the

The management of complexity

The Internet offers many insights into the theme of complexity, a web in which one can become bound with no way out. Daily life is characterized by stimuli, problems, unexpected

HEALTH: a free legal desk for rare diseases

On the occasion of “Rare DiseaseDay 2018,” the Rare Disease Observatory unveiled a new service dedicated to patients: the Legal Desk, free of charge, christened “On the Rare’s Side.” The

Burn-out syndrome

Burn-out refers to a phenomenon typical of those professions that have in their mandate the connotation of being “helpful to others.” Implicit in these professions is a direct relationship between

Learning to think


Thinking and intelligence are two different things: intelligence is comparable to the power of a car engine; thinking, on the other hand, is the skill of the driver. Many people although endowed with great intelligence are mediocre thinkers. When faced with innovation, these are people who back off, who do not like to think of alternative paths and are convinced that things are fine the way they are. These are people who given IQ could achieve more, find new solutions to deal with daily problems.

De Bono says there are people who have given up thinking and limit their creative enthusiasm. This limitation is related to cultural factors, education received or stereotypical teaching models. Therefore, it is not possible to look in a new direction while remaining anchored in old methods. Implementing this mode of thinking is an invitation to be creative, to find quick and simple solutions.

How to be more creative, intuitive and effective?

Sometimes it is possible to encounter difficulties that one does not realize, such as the ability to make thinking difficult and articulate to the point of paralyzing it. In addition, many times we do not realize that there is an easier way of doing things, which enables us to deal better with work problems and immediately grasp the aspects that deserve more attention. The human mind has to be well prepared to handle life’s changes, so a peaceful mind can help us understand what is the best path to take.

Source: I don't have time for... How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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