The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Cardiorespiratory arrest in children

In pediatric age often respiratory arrest precedes cardiac arrest. The causes can be of different nature: respiratory, cardiological, neurological, from shock, from drugs, metabolic imbalances, or environmental causes. The signs

Electrocution: what to do

In electrocution , the greatest damage is visible inside the body, even though the burn may appear small and superficial. What to do? Make sure the place is safe, unplug

Emergency measures during a poisoning.

“Dum spiro spero” may be a simple aphorism, but it sets a high bar for the treatment of the poisoned patient, as any deficit in the patient’s oxygenation can impair

Paracetamol: what to do?

In some countries, paracetamol is sold in quantities greater than aspirin. Most people, they do not know the differences between the two substances. For this reason, poisoning by paracetamol in

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

Methods of poisoning: cardioactive glucosides

Overdose of these drugs is chronic and is almost always due to careless treatment. The reactions can be seen as an exaggerated expression of their pharmacological properties. Once toxic levels

Metals and metalloids: thallium

Although thallium comes used in industry does not appear to create employment risks. The action of the thallium at the biochemical level is not yet known and all we can

Thoracic injuries: what to do?

These kinds of lesions can be of 2 types: pulmonary and chest wall. It is necessary to keep those affected by a chest injury while conscious, sitting or with head

Bruises: what to do?

Contusions form when a blunt object strikes certain parts of the body, rupturing subcutaneous blood vessels. There is no discharge of blood, and usually the bruises are swollen and painful,

Main types of poisoning: ethylene glycol


Ethylene glycol can be considered an alcohol polyhydroxylated. It appears to be low in toxicity but with the intake of other medication could cause death. A dose of 100 ml is very dangerous, if well some people are also cured by ingesting larger amounts. The clinical picture is the same as ethanol intoxication. After some time appear nausea, vomiting, muscle twitching, depression, convulsion and coma.

Diagnosis and treatment

Apart from the history, confirmation of intoxication is obtained by classical aspiration, through which the presence of a blue-colored liquid can be noted. In fatal cases, autopsy reveals diffuse cerebral edema with deposits of calcium oxalate crystals in the meninges. If the patient presents a few hours after ingesting the ethylene glycol then gastric lavage can be performed and sodium bicarbonate administered to correct the acidosis. When hypernatremia is high, it can be reduced with hemodialysis.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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