Brain tumor: what to know

Brain tumors do not have typical symptoms because they induce disorders common to many other diseases of the nervous system. These symptoms depend on the size of the tumor and

Diseases caused by excessive alcohol consumption

There can be many disorders and diseases that alcohol abuse is capable of directly causing or can contribute to. When excess alcohol accumulates, it reaches the bloodstream affecting organs and their vital activities.

Reviving couples’ sexuality during the vacations

Sometimes one wonders why during vacation days most couples discover a more vibrant and exciting sex life than that usually experienced in their bedrooms during normal days, and the idea arises that one should replicate that atmosphere.

Mens sana in corpore sano!

Even the Ancient Romans were aware of the positive correlation between exercise and mental activity. But not all sports are the same. Which sports promote mental activity and what is

Eight tips to combat stress

Nobody thought of bringing a headache pill to the party?
  1. We live in a world that constantly puts us under stress! Work, study, family problems, sports, now everything is a cause for stress if we are unable to organize the various activities throughout our daily routine. Even a summer vacation, if not thought out in detail, can be a cause of mental and physical stress on our bodies. How then to find an escape route to this oppressive condition ? Again, the practice of Mindfulness plays in our favor, describing the 8 tips to combat stress. Let’s see together what they are.

Tips for combating stress

1 – Be aware of all the signs (physical, emotional and mental ) that indicate to you that a particular situation or event is stressful. Try to react rationally and calmly rather than impulsively to what happens to you.

2 – Remember as much as possible throughout the day that you are a complete, infinite being, losing nothing by allowing your sensitivity and love to express itself.

3 – Pay attention to the feelings, whether negative or positive, that you are experiencing in a stressful situation. When they are present be aware of what your behavior is in response to them and judge whether it is an appropriate reaction or not, keeping in mind the consequences of your actions.

4 – Pay attention to how much your feelings and moods affect the way you feel physically at that moment. Reason about your body movements, how you drink, how you eat, and how you appear in the eyes of others.

5 – Notice whether your mind turns its thoughts to memories of the past or, on the contrary, projects itself into anticipations of the future, and how much this all revolves around the I, ME and MINE. Is all this necessary ? Does it cause you pain ? Wouldn’t it be better to take your mind off these thoughts ?

6 – Be more aware of the present moment, focus your attention, especially through the use of breathing, on what you are experiencing at this very moment. Reflect on the here and now, without letting your mind digress too much into thoughts and memories that may increase the uncomfortable situation resulting from stress.

7 – Be aware of every feeling that arises from your body, whether positive or negative ( fear, anger, jealousy, laziness, joy, security, calmness, etc.).

8 – Imagine that your life was coming to an end at this moment, how would you like your mind to be at this moment ? You can think about what to do practically to make your intention come true consistently, in everyday life.


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