Causes of male infertility

Through history, women have always been accused of being the “cause” of male infertility. From the infamous case of Henry VIII repeatedly divorcing his “infertile” wives, to the millions of

Comparing Generations

There are few both quantitative and qualitative studies in the literature that delve into sexuality within different generations, with the aim of understanding the underlying reasons for any changes in

Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple

Syphilis: what you need to know

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. Globally, it is the third most common bacterial-type HIST after chlamydia and gonorrhea. Transmission Syphilis is transmitted

Does sexual desire grows old or not?

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New test detects cervical cancer in 100% of cases


A new test to diagnose cervical cancer, developed by researchers at Queen Mary University of London, has shown a 100 percent success rate, significantly outperforming diagnostic tests that are currently used, such as the Pap test and Hpv test.

Hpv, also known as human papillomavirus, is responsible for the vast majority of cervical cancer cases worldwide and is transmitted primarily through sexual activity. There are over a hundred different types, and a small proportion of these are recognized causes of cancer.

The Pap test is the most traditional diagnostic test and involves taking a sample of cells from the cervix and examining them under a microscope; it can quickly and early detect the presence of changes, including those that may be due to cervical cancer. Even the current Hpv test consists of taking a small amount of cells from the cervix and detects the presence of the virus rather than the actual risk of developing cancer: it is more effective than the Pap test, but Hpv often does not cause any problems, so many women who test positive undergo completely unnecessary stress.

Neither method is 100% effective, however.

The test developed by the London researchers was put to the test in a randomized clinical trial conducted in Canada among 15,744 women aged 25-65 years, and the result was resoundingly positive, detecting all eight types of invasive cervical cancers that developed in women, while the Pap test detected only a quarter and the Hpv test half.

The results were published in theInternational Journal of Cancer, which specified that the new test makes use of knowledge about epigenetics: instead of analyzing changes in the genetic code, it focuses on the ways in which genes are expressed, that is, when they “turn on” instead of remaining inactive.

“This is a huge development,” said study coordinator Attila Lorincz, ” Not only are we amazed at the way this test detects cervical cancer, but it is the first time anyone has demonstrated the key role of epigenetics in the development of a major solid tumor.


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