Maybe it’s the drugs?

Some medications can cause drowsiness or even fatigue, precisely because they can promote sleep apnea. In particular are some drugs that relax muscles, muscle relaxants, some sedatives, and some antidepressants.

Blocked carotid arteries: when to intervene?

Obstruction of the carotid arteries (they carry blood and oxygen to the brain) can be treated with medication or by resorting to surgery. Tips for “cleaning” the vessels and preventing

Keratitis: symptoms, causes and treatment

Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea, that delicate and precious transparent membrane that lines and protects the front of our eye. What is keratitis caused by? Are there individuals

Hydrating with fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are our best allies against dehydration. They contain not only water but also vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps keep

Virilization: what is it?

The term virilization refers to a set of signs and symptoms attributable to the presence of significant hyperandrogenism in women. In other words, the term virilization is intended to denote

Spontaneous chronic urticaria

Pomphi, itching (often nocturnal) and swelling of certain parts of the body, sometimes disfiguring, with no known cause and disappearing only to recur suddenly and unpredictably. These are the symptoms

What is colitis?

Colitis is aninflammation of the colon, either acute or chronic, which falls into the broad group of digestive diseases. In medicine, “letic” colitis (without qualification) is used in very different

Keratitis: symptoms, causes and treatment


Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea, that delicate and precious transparent membrane that lines and protects the front of our eye. What is keratitis caused by? Are there individuals more or less predisposed to contract it? More importantly, how can it be treated and solved? Let’s try to shed some light on the subject.

The cornea has a shape and structure that make it perfect for its role in visual function. It is composed mostly of collagen fibers arranged in such a way as to allow perfect transparency. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea that, if not diagnosed and treated in time, can damage the structure of the cornea and even seriously impair visual ability.

Read more.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Giandomenico Mascheroni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via Petrarca 53 - Carnago
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giovanni Arrichiello
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors

    • Corso Regina Margherita 260 - Torino
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Caruana
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Antonio Varriale
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Dentists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Grotta dell Olmo 20 - Giugliano in Campania
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Irene Pistis
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via della Reoubblica 461/3 - Vergato



Myopia is a refractive defect in which the image of distant objects is formed in front of the retina, rather than on the retina itself, making vision indistinct, while vision

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular condition in which there is progressive damage to the retina and subsequent gradual decline in visual acuity. It is one of the most feared complications


Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of the cornea-the transparent convex membrane that forms the anterior portion of the eyeball’s fibrous tonaca-or in the shape of the lens. Normally,


Hypermetropia is an eye condition in which the eyeball is too short and does not allow proper focusing. In the farsighted eye, light rays from a distance are focused beyond

Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome sets in when the superficial tear film that protects, irrigates, and nourishes the outer layers of the eye, particularly the cornea and conjunctiva, is too poor or

Ocular tumors

Ocular tumors are rare neoplasms that can affect both adults and children and can significantly impair vision (to the point of blindness) and quality of life, as well as shorten

Sjögren’s syndrome

Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune-based systemic disease that causes malfunction of various exocrine secreting glands (i.e., those that spill secreted material onto the surface of the tissue in which

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is aninflammation of the mucosa lining the inner cavities of the nose (nasal mucosa).


Strabismus is an ocular condition characterized by misalignment of the eyes and, therefore, of the left and right visual fields, which can occur in the first 6 months after birth


Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can cause blindness, mainly due to increased pressure inside the eye that damages the optic nerve. The disease can occur at any age,

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