Infertility in the life of a couple

When we talk about infertility, it is impossible not to talk about couples as well. This is mainly because infertility is both a symptom and a problem of the couple

Doing nothing: the season of idleness

Vacations, vacations, leisure time, which have become possibilities for (all or almost all) social classes, are just another space to be filled, to be occupied according to a new categorical imperative that, depending on the situation or age group, may be "you must have fun," "you must relax," "you must visit and learn."

Children and boredom

Our lives (and those of our children) seem to respond to a kind of categorical imperative“no boredom.” We are constantly seeking new stimulation and our lifestyle has outlawed downtime and

7. Apnea specialty.

In addition to static apnea, which we discussed in Lesson #7, we have DYNAMIC apnea and DEEP apnea.

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia

DEMENCY is an organically based disturbance of previously acquired intellectual functions: memory (short- and long-term), critical and judgment skills, language, and spatio-temporal orientation. Today, nearly 50 million people worldwide have

Stroke: ischemic and hemorrhagic

Stroke is a serious disease that occurs as a result of the reduction, or interruption, of blood flow to the brain (by which we mean the brain, cerebellum, and brainstem

Signs that foretell migraine attack

In the case of migraine or other forms of headache, the first advice is to take an anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic medication from the earliest warning, to nip the pain in

Transient ischemic attack


Transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a mild form of ischemic cerebral stroke or “mini-stroke,” which occurs when the cerebral circulation is partially impaired by the presence of narrowing or occlusion of a cerebral artery or the carotid arteries (major arteries that carry blood to the brain), preventing an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients (particularly glucose) to nerve cells for a limited period of time.

Like cerebral stroke, TIA also represents a medical emergency, which should be immediately referred to the attention of the physician and/or emergency medical services (118, ER), but its effects are generally milder and fully reversible.

TIA is an important warning sign that cerebral blood circulation is suboptimal and that it is necessary to investigate the situation further and to undertake or refine targeted preventive therapies on an individualized basis to avoid further more severe and disabling, as well as potentially life-threatening, cerebral ischemic events.

In the absence of preventive treatment, about one-third of people who experience a TIA subsequently go on to have a stroke, and in about half of the cases, this occurs after one year.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Giuseppe Panico
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Dermatologists, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Ilaria Berto
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Acupuncturists, Aesthetic Doctors

    • Via Antonio Corradini 1 - Este
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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Virgilio De Bono
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors, Dermatologists

    • Via Ripense 4 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa OLGA PETROVSKAIA
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Pain therapists, Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via Giulio Romano 3 - Valle Martella


Restless leg syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a chronic disorder characterized by the onset of a feeling of general leg discomfort, which occurs when the legs are kept still even for short periods

Cluster headache

Cluster headache is a primary form of headache that is characterized by the manner in which the attacks occur, which are precisely “clustered” in so-called “active periods” lasting up to

Peyronie’s or curved penis disease

Peyronie ‘s disease is a condition resulting from an abnormality of the penis due to fibrous scar tissue that appears on the penis changing its shape during erection, which becomes

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complex and delicate mood disorder to manage that leads sufferers to experience periods of depressed mood, characterized by symptoms similar to those of major depression, alternating

Meniere’s Syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome is a balance disorder characterized by recurrent and unpredictable “attacks” involving the onset of intense dizziness, associated with reduced hearing, whistling and buzzing. Each attack is heralded by

Trigeminal neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is the fifth of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the head; it is the nerve responsible for providing sensation to the face. One trigeminal nerve

Neurovegetative dystonia

If you have the patience to interview a family doctor whose outpatient clinic is always very crowded, you will find that a good portion of patients are afflicted with a

Mild cognitive decline

Mild cognitive impairment (MDI) is a form of decline in intellectual performance and ability to store and organize activities intermediate between the physiological decline in mental performance and responsiveness associated

Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common and severe degenerative disease of the brain, characterized by a progressive decline in cognitive functions (in particular, memory and language) associated with aging. It

Emotional crisis

In current usage, the word “crisis” has a dramatic meaning, i.e., the transition from a condition of stability to a variability of previously assumed equilibria, holding homeostasis as the sole

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