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Low Potassium many disorders


In hot weather it is very easy to lose fluids and minerals when you sweat a lot, so they can drop significantly.

Among these is Potassium, a key mineral forbalancing electrolytes and staying healthy, being able to cope with any kind of physical activity.

A low potassium level can be determined by many factors, including loss in the urine due to taking medications (diuretics) that cause more frequent urination, which in turn promotes a reduction in blood pressure. Episodes such as vomiting and diarrhea cause loss of fluids and minerals, including potassium but also alcohol abuse, excessive sweating, diabetes , kidney failure, and several other conditions.

But before investigating among possible organic abnormalities, the diet of the complainant, low potassium levels, should be checked.

A diet lacking in legumes, vegetables, tomatoes, nuts, and seasonal fruits is the first cause of a gradual lowering of potassium values in the body.

Typical disorders of insufficient potassium levels range from sudden and repeated muscle cramps, to easy fatigue, to possible alterations in heart rhythm.

So, keep an eye on laboratory values and adopt an appropriate diet especially during the hot season.


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