Elements that can weaken the immune system

An are insufficient, lack of vitamin D, but also certain medications can sometimes affect the immune system’s ability to clear infections and diseases. Still others are possible and surprising influencing

The effect of the gut microbiota on drugs

In recent years, the gut microbiota, that is, the set of microorganisms that we host in our gut and with which we constantly interact, has been attracting extreme interest because

Alcohol: a pleasure or a problem?

A glass of good wine at the table, the aperitif after the work, a beer with friends. Spirits, since time immemorial, have been a presence almost inevitable of any convivial,

Inadequate nutrition?

A proper diet that is complete in terms of the nutritional components of foods, with the right levels of sugars, and based on non-harmful products will ensure proper daily energy.

Itching: all causes (often unknown)

In addition to being a sure annoyance, itching can be a telltale sign of a more or less severe disease, a reaction of the body to particular substances or treatments,

Sleepiness? Perhaps sleep apnea

You can sleep as long as 8 hours in a row but without resting if you experience continuous apneas during the night that stop your breathing recurrently for a few

Itching caused by insects

Often causing a sudden, sometimes growing itch are insects, chief among them the mosquito, whose bite generates an intense, but nevertheless short-lived itch. If, however, hematophagous (i.e., blood-sucking) insects such

Vinegar of a thousand virtues: true or alleged?


Wine, red or white, balsamic, apple, pear, rice, coconut, honey or beer. These are just a few variants of vinegar much-loved food in all parts of the world and used for many different purposes. Seasoning, flavoring, cooking, preserving, disinfecting, and even achieving specific health benefits, from weight control to blood sugar control. But what is true among the many touted virtues?
Here is what is known
about this valuable fermentation product and what, on the other hand, remains to be proven.


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Medically assisted procreation (MAP)

Medically assisted procreation (MAP) encompasses a range of techniques directed at compensating for situations of infertility in couples, which may depend on the man or the woman. Couple infertility is

Deep brain stimulation

The deep brain stimulation (Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS) is a neurosurgical method involving the implantation in the brain of electrodes which, appropriately positioned and activated by a pulse generator inserted


Mumps is an acute generalized viral infection, mainly affecting school-age children and adolescents. A disease is widespread throughout the world, and humans are the only natural hosts. A carrier state

Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic autoimmune-based inflammatory disease that occurs in about 30% of people with psoriasis. Like other forms of arthritis, the disease predominantly affects the joints of the

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans is a vascular disease that affects the arteries, especially those in the legs, preventing the muscles and tissues from receiving adequate blood supply, resulting in symptoms of

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or “atopic eczema” is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, associated with pruritus, that typically begins in the early years of life, then persisting throughout the pediatric years and


Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of the cornea-the transparent convex membrane that forms the anterior portion of the eyeball’s fibrous tonaca-or in the shape of the lens. Normally,

Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder affecting the large intestine. This is a chronic condition that must be managed for the long term. Only a small number of people

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest corresponds to the interruption of the heart’s contraction and pumping action, resulting from a sudden and drastic alteration in its electrical activity (ventricular fibrillation). Cardiac arrest is an

Meniere’s Syndrome

Meniere’s syndrome is a balance disorder characterized by recurrent and unpredictable “attacks” involving the onset of intense dizziness, associated with reduced hearing, whistling and buzzing. Each attack is heralded by

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