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Two nocturnal enemies: insomnia and scorching heat

Man lying in bed turning off an alarm clock in the morning at 7am. Attractive man sleeping in his bedroom. Annoyed man being awakened by an alarm clock in his bedroom

How many hours should you sleep per night? Is not a fixed rule. Doctors recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a night, but the figure varies from person to person.

However, there are many who stay awake all or most of the night falling prey toinsomnia, which for some may be an occasional or transient occurrence (accidents, trauma, illness), but for others become a repeating disorder until it becomes chronic.

Insomnia is already in itself a significant disorder that alters in people the sphere of habits, family relationships, and even the psychological sphere with considerable influence on mood and emotions.

If the clinical problem is slightly more manageable in more stable weather conditions, it becomes more oppressive and difficult to manage when the heat becomes persistent and increasing.

Insomnia, already a fearsome nocturnal enemy, accompanied by the scorching heat of cities in summer can become an unbearable mix that physically wears down the sufferer, resulting in real emergencies.

The remedies to be found are partly in the order of reducing the impact of heat and partly in promoting relaxation and subsequent falling asleep.

To reduce the invective of nighttime heat:
– have a light dinner by avoiding strenuous foods and drink plenty of water, avoiding alcohol altogether.
– use smooth, light-colored cotton sheets that don’t make you sweat
power two windows on opposite sides of the house, or if you have an air conditioner, open it to a temperature of 26 degrees
– before going to bed, take a lukewarm shower, not a cold one
– take valerian, which will ensure a sedative and relaxing effect.
– wear underwear that can absorb sweat
– possibly avoid watching TV, which is sometimes too exciting, preferring relaxing reading
– Arrange themselves in bed in a spacious and unconstrained position
– avoid thinking about the heat, blowing yourself with fans, and thinking about leaving the bed, but wait patiently for the arrival of sleep .


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