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Fat accumulation in the abdomen: the risks and solutions


It is commonplace that weight gain in both men and women is a sign of advancing age and that excess fat accumulating at the waist level, the so-called “belly button,” is an inevitable sign of the years, but this is not true, although age, to a large extent, affects this condition.
The real fact is that a waistline invaded by fat accumulation poses a serious health hazard by exposing people to many ailments and different types of diseases.

Abdominal fat can gradually increase giving rise toCentral Obesity, a particularly sneaky condition because, unlike fat that accumulates on other parts of the body under the skin, visceral fat is nested deep in the abdomen claiming to fill the space between the different abdominal organs.
This type of fat in men and women is The overt culprit of alterations in the cardiovascular system, metabolism, and the main culprit of diabetic disease, especially in men, while in women it also contributes to breast cancer or the formation of gallstones or biliary tract stones .

Even when no specific pathology has occurred, the accumulation of visceral fat allows the establishment of a condition called Syndrome Metabolic, in which a number of factors may coexist, such as overweight, increased blood pressure, tendency to sedentariness caused by the same weight gain, and other disorders that could be the antechamber of serious diseases.

The accumulation of fat on the waistline is known to alter people’s profile, causing them to feel uneasy, sometimes even in family and social relationships.

Theaccumulation of abdominal fat can make one’s profile look like a pear or even an apple, depending on the particular location of the abdominal fat, where the pear shape refers primarily to fat located under the skin, and where the apple shape refers to fat located more viscerally.

It must be said that then factors such as the genetic characteristics of individuals, hormonal pattern, other previous pathologies, and lifestyles also come into play, but in any case it is now a certainty on the part of physicians and researchers that the accumulation of abdominal fat must mean for those affected an important warning to don underestimate in order to protect their health and for the health care provider a clinical fact to be investigated in depth with a view to disease prevention.

Visceral fat may play a significant role in the development of inflammation, in ‘affecting the immune and cardiovascular systems, and also influencing cells with respect to the action of insulin, and being responsible for increased blood cholesterol.
The first piece of advice is to become totally aware of the problem, which then, according to the logic of HealthEmpowerment , is the starting point toward solving a disorder or disease or at least toward improving it.

A second piece of advice concernsexercise and diet.
In fact, choose to be physically active throughout the day, not trying to shirk small routine labors and adding to them even a short type of dedicated exercise.
Increased generalized physical activity helps distract from an excessive focus on food, even to the point of self-regulation in food portion sizes, to the point of deciding to select foods by favoring healthier ones such as vegetables, whole grain products, and fruits, outvoting foods made from refined flours, fattier foods, alcohol, and sugary drinks.

A third piece of advice concerns the person ‘spositive approach to solving the clinical problem, who should become a protagonist in this difficult condition and not suffer it as an adverse event.



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    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Chiropractors, Posturologists

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    active 3 years, 11 months ago

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    • Viale Rimembranze 5 - Triuggio
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Monica Calcagni
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    • Via Casilina 32 - Arce
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Erminia Maria Ferrari
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    • Via San Carlo 3 - Castel Rozzone


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