Bladder cancer: how to prevent it?

Bladder cancer consists of the malignant transformation of the cells lining the inner surface of the bladder itself, i.e., the organ that collects urine filtered by the kidneys before being

The sexuality of Italians

The study conducted by the Center for Social Investment Studies(Censis, 2019) provides information on a precise segment of the population, namely people aged 18 to 40, referred to as “young

Comparing Generations

There are few both quantitative and qualitative studies in the literature that delve into sexuality within different generations, with the aim of understanding the underlying reasons for any changes in

Medical Provisions and Peyronie’s Disease

Some medical devices, which can be used in Peyronie's Disease, can complement the various drug therapies, or of antioxidants and supplements, with obvious results in reducing the penile curve.


Staying within social media, research in recent years focuses on a booming phenomenon: the sexting . Defined as the sending via an internet-enabled device of text messages, images, and videos

Early menopause

Sudden amenorrhea or preceded by a period of menstrual cycle irregularity, rapid and intense menopausal symptoms, including severe hot flashes and genital atrophy.

Anuria and oliguria: what to do?

The anuria Is the failure of the kidney to produce urine. Oliguria, on the other hand, is the production of insufficient amount of urine to maintain homeostasis. Le causes may

Medically assisted procreation (MAP)


Medically assisted procreation (MAP) encompasses a range of techniques directed at compensating for situations of infertility in couples, which may depend on the man or the woman.

Couple infertility is defined as the inability to conceive and/or carry a pregnancy to term after at least one year of unprotected, purposeful sexual intercourse.
Currently in Europe, infertility affects about 20% of couples of reproductive age, with a frequency that increases with the woman’s age, due to the progressive reduction of ovarian reserve and reproductive efficiency (in particular, after the age of 35).

The causes of couple infertility may affect the man (30% of cases), the woman (30% of cases) or both partners (20% of cases), while in the remaining 20% of cases the reasons behind infertility remain unknown (idiopathic infertility).


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Vaginal candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common causes of genital and vulvar discomfort among women of childbearing age, especially between the ages of 20 and 40. At the origin


The prostate is a chestnut-shaped gland, several centimeters in diameter, found only in men; it is located in front of the rectum, below the bladder, and surrounds the first part

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the female population everywhere, albeit with different prevalence depending on geographic area, ethnicity, and lifestyle habits, and accounts for about 30% of

Renal Colic

An attack of renal colic represents one of the most unfortunate clinical experiences because of the intense pain caused by kidney stones that may be present from the kidney to


The term cystitis refers to inflammation of the urinary bladder, in most cases resulting from a bacterial infection. The disorder is especially common among women, who tend to experience it

Renal calculosis

Kidney stones is a widespread disease in industrialized countries, including Italy, especially among adult men, who are affected about twice as often as women. Kidney stones are solid structures of

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer is one of the most common malignancies in adulthood in Western countries, especially in the male sex. In most cases, it develops from the cells lining the inner

Kidney cancer

As with all cancers, the causes of adenocarcinoma and renal sarcomas lie in a series of genetic mutations that allow a group of cells to acquire new characteristics and begin


The term amenorrhea refers to the non-occurrence or absence of menstrual flow for a period of time of at least six consecutive months. In cases of “thinning” menstruation, for example,

Urinary incontinence

Urinary incontinence is a condition related to muscular or neurological deficits at the level of the pelvic floor (consisting of the muscle bundles that close the base of the abdomen),

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