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5. Breathing

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“The cold season is here. Fewer hours of daylight, frigid temperatures, frequent rain and a whole host of inclement weather cause many of you endurance enthusiasts to take refuge within

2. The water environment

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Campania fires: some rules to follow to safeguard our land


What is unfolding is literally a summer of fire. Unfortunately, however, this definition does not only refer to the scorching heat and continuously rising temperatures that give people, especially those in southern Italy, no respite. In fact, in the past month the Campania (to a greater extent, but not only) has been affected by a very high number of pyres which devastated the land and inflicted very serious damage both to the environment and to dozens of families who were forced to leave their homes out of caution, just as many merchants and restaurateurs had to close their businesses momentarily, right at the time of their highest earnings. Many of the causes are unfortunately malicious in nature. These are fires deliberately set by individuals, sometimes as a joke (stupidly), and sometimes for clear intent to bring damage to the land.

The fires on Vesuvius

One of the most devastating and on which much of public opinion has focused was undoubtedly the burning of Vesuvius National Park. The flames lasted for several days, affecting miles and miles of land, starting right from the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. The damage is incalculable, hundreds of hectares of vegetation destroyed, endless clouds of smoke that spread from Vesuvius to neighboring towns polluting the air and doing extensive damage to the health of the population. As if that were not enough, the charred bodies of the park’s wildlife, which could not be saved from the fires, are not counted.

Some homes in Torre del Greco and Herculaneum have been evacuated as a precautionary measure. The most affected areas are Valle delle Delizie, Ottaviano, Herculaneum, Cappella Bianchini, Boscotrecase, and Torre del Greco, a total of about 700 interventions by the fire department in the region, which relentlessly and with the help of canadair worked tirelessly for entire days to succeed in taming the flames. The nature of many of the fires is definitely arson, and thanks to the investigation, the first arrests have already begun. However, the motivations for these gestures and new clues that could lead to further arrests continue to be investigated.

Precautionary precautions

The damage done to the land is very high. The environment has received a tremendous blow, and one that will inevitably indirectly affect the population as well. Therefore, it is important to spread rules of behavior so that such events remain as rare and isolated as possible, in order to safeguard the beauty and health of our territory, for the well-being of both ourselves and future generations who will inherit our environmental legacy. Here are some basic tips:

  • Do not throw cigarette butts or matches that are still lit: they can set the dry grass on fire.
  • It is forbidden and dangerous to light fires in the forest. Use only equipped areas and never leave the fire and before leaving make sure it is completely out.
  • If you have to park your car make sure the muffler is not in contact with dry grass-the hot muffler could easily ignite dry grass.
  • Do not abandon garbage in the woods and illegal dumps: it is a dangerous fuel; throw garbage in the appropriate containers.
  • Do not leave bottles or glass fragments in the woods: they can turn into potential lighters in the sun.
  • To clear stubble, straw and grass, do not use fire: use a sickle.
  • Don’t burn, without proper safety measures, agricultural residues: in a few minutes you could get out of control of the fire.
  • In areas most prone to fire, around homes and buildings, clean the ground of weeds and easily flammable waste.
  • Report those who light fires in dangerous areas.

Of course, all those agencies, governmental or voluntary, that preside over the control and safeguarding of the territory in order to provide relief to the people affected by these disasters or to prevent such events from happening again are of paramount importance. One example is the excellent control work done by the volunteers of the
Territorial Aerial Surveillance


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