6. Relaxation

Apnea is a discipline that greatly helps us to know ourselves and whose purpose is to savor sensations of pleasure and well-being in the water. Many factors can create states

2. Origin of plants on earth

Today's extant plant forms reflect a complex evolutionary "work" that has taken place over more than 400 million years, during which plants have deployed cunning strategies to be able to adapt to various types of environments, managing to survive and reproduce even in the most climatically severe places.

5. Breathing

All of us, when we are born, know well what is the right way to breathe. If we observed a small baby resting on the changing table, we would immediately

9. Compensation

With this maneuver, the apneist returns the eardrums to a neutral position, which, due to the external pressure, which reduces the volumes of the air zones of our body, would tend to introflex to the point of injury or rupture if they were not rebalanced. Ambient pressure, which increases with depth, causes a reduction in the volume of the aerial parts of our body (lesson 3), compensating the ears reconstitute the original volumes, keeping the eardrum in a neutral position.

1. Equipment

Freediving is an environmental sport that is practiced in the water and, for this reason, requires specific equipment that gives us comfort and safety.

Water sports

We have now reached the height of summer. Temperatures are beginning to rise relentlessly and the heat is beginning to take its toll, especially on those who practice sports. Running,

Ten anti-pollution plants: lungs of the earth


Plants have always been an invaluable resource for humans and the entire planet. Due to their main function of producing oxygen, they are universally recognized as the lung of the earth. In addition to this, however, many plants also represent an exceptional source of nutritious food for humans, others have incredible healing properties and are therefore used for the production of medicines, and still others are famous for their qualities in the field of cosmetics and beauty more generally, thanks to the substances present within them that bring benefits to our skin. However, there are also some plants that have an even more important role, that of fighting pollution. Let’s discover together the decalogue of anti-pollution plants.

The ten anti-pollution plants

1 – Chlorophytum: more commonly known by the name phalangium, this is a plant from southern Africa. It belongs to the evergreen category, does not require much attention, and is useful in eliminating formaldehyde and carbon monoxide in the air.

2 – Aloe: You have surely heard of this plant in the field of cosmetics, but Aloe is also important for its ability to absorb trichloroethylene pollution.

3 – Ivy: the most common of the climbing plants that “shroud” our homes manages to absorb the trichloroethylene and benzene

4 – Gingko Bilboa: This is a very ancient tree that dates back about 250 million years, and because of its wax-covered surface it is able to absorb a very high amount of carbon dioxide.

5 – Poto: this is an evergreen, climbing plant of which there are as many as 40 species; it is useful for purifying and cleaning the environment of formaldehyde and cigarette smoke.

6 – Hawthorn: the plant of the unmistakable white-colored flower, belonging to the rose family, has the ability to“devourfine dust.

7 – Poinsettias: You may have seen them hundreds of times on sale at Christmas time, often for charity, but poinsettias (a plant of Mexican origin that blooms when the days are shorter) is effective in combating benzene pollution.

8 – Lime tree: a large-sized tree with a sturdy trunk, like other trees in our driveways it has the special function of “eating” smog.

9 – Ficus Benjamina: we have usually seen it in a few pots although it can be grown in outdoor parks and in the wild it can reach considerable size. It can absorb formaldehyde and benzene, while at home it fights the bad smell of cigarette smoke.

10 – Ash tree: this is a plant found in almost all of Italy and can reach up to 40 meters in height. Its flowers give off a very pleasant fragrance, and the large leaves are an excellent filter for the air around it.

As we have seen, plants are a key resource for the health of our bodies and our earth. Therefore, they need to be preserved and protected so that they can continue to play their role as“cleaners” of our planet.


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