Epitaxy: what to do?

Epitaxy is a hemorrhage that originates within the nasal passages. Blood may leak through the nostrils or transit posteriorly into the pharynx. If the hemorrhage is posterior or if the

Diving, the basic rules

The human body, while moving through water, swimming or diving, knows that it poses a constant danger since it cannot survive under this element except with reserves of air. Never dive alone.

Strength, vitality — vitamins?

Exercise, proper diet, and the right vitamins can really help you have a healthier and longer-lasting life. But how to take the vitamins so as to reap the greatest benefits?

Sun, sea, acne

In summer, acne fears two elements: strong heat and humidity. Skin care must take into account some basic elements to avoid annoying reactions of pimples during summertime.

Hormonal disorders: hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition of thyroid hypoactivity that results in reduced production of thyroid hormones and a consequent slowdown in vital functions.   Facial expressions lose liveliness, voice is hoarse

Female brain ages less than male brain

The aging of the human brain varies greatly from subject to subject: some individuals experience rapid cognitive decline, while others maintain their cognitive abilities intact even in old age. According

Can bipolar disorder be prevented?

Prevention with this disorder is not comparable to what is required for other clinical conditions, as it is a disorder of the mind that affects the mood sphere, but intervening in a timely manner at the first signs of mental illness is a definite advantage with respect to the future condition of the sick person, thus preventing the worsening of the illness.

Emotional development and learning


Early stages and learning difficulties: a developmental view

January 29, 2022

Our society and schools invest heavily in the development of the intellect and the development of complex neuropsychological functions such as language, spatial, temporal, or graphical cognition, as well as reading, writing, arithmetic, and the ability to perform logical reasoning and memorization.

However, each of us has had the experience of suddenly finding everything we had learned and automated disorganized due to the onset of anxiety or panic. We probably also happened to “attack” the book we were supposed to study or we “ran away” from certain subjects. But, also, we may have shared and made our own the passion of a particular teacher who passed on to us the “hunger” to read, write and learn. Clinicians also know how difficult it is to be faced with a “pure” impairment of a specific cognitive function such as, for example, pure Specific Learning Disorder. We are not cognitive-computational machines.

In this course, the file rouge followed so far (peculiarities of the human brain, plasticity of the cortex, subcortical drive-emotional system, importance of bonding) will be taken up to reconsider in a new light the development of complex cortical neuropsychological functions based on development, relationship and emotion.

We will start with the development of cortical skills such as language and spatial concepts in early childhood children and then move on to disorders, both specific and nonspecific, of learning in elementary school, while simultaneously considering subcortical systems and bonding. The development potential of some often neglected subjects such as music will also be emphasized.

Poster for the course on January 29, 2022



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