Family dysautonomy

Involuntary nervous system dysfunction, or familial dysautonomia, is a genetic disorder that goes to groups of nerve cells, which are not properly developed and do not survive.

Sinusitis: how to recognize it

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucosa lining the sinuses. In fact, it is estimated that it may affect 8.4 percent of the population in Italy, 9 percent in Europe

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: what is it?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease of the respiratory system characterized by irreversible airway obstruction, varying in severity. The disease (known in English as Copd, Chronic obstructive pulmonary

Aortic valve repair

When aortic valvulopathy presents significant quality-of-life problems for the patient but also obvious risks of serious consequences, cardiac surgery may be necessary.

Hip osteoarthritis: symptoms and treatment

To better explain what is meant by hip osteoarthritis, I will quickly review the different types of this condition: The idiopathic or primitive form typical of old age is the consequence

Symptoms of cervical arthritis


Osteoarthritis is a disease characterized by degenerative lesions to the articular cartilage. Depending on the site affected, we can talk about knee osteoarthritis, hip osteoarthritis, wrist osteoarthritis, and so on. In the specific case of cervical osteoarthritis, the disease damages the cartilage that covers and protects the bony ends involved in the joints between the vertebrae in the neck. Over time, cartilage degeneration involves the entire joint (including the articular surfaces and discs interposed between vertebrae), causing localized pain and limitation of movement that progressively worsens.

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  • Profile picture of Dr. Giandomenico Mascheroni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via Petrarca 53 - Carnago
  • Profile picture of Dott. Sandro Morganti
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Orthopedists, Basic Doctors, Osteopaths

    • Via Foligno 6 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giuseppe Lepore
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Dermatologists, Basic Doctors, General Surgeons

    • 19 Via Manzoni Alessandro - Garbagnate Milanese
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Francesca Vittorelli
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Therapist, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

    • Corso Andrea Palladio 134 - Vicenza
  • Profile picture of Dott. Massimo Carotenuto
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    General Surgeons, Basic Doctors

    • Via Lepanto 95 - Pompei


Psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic autoimmune-based inflammatory disease that occurs in about 30% of people with psoriasis. Like other forms of arthritis, the disease predominantly affects the joints of the

Calcaneal spur

Calcaneal spur refers to a thorn or hook-shaped bony protuberance (osteophyte) that results from an abnormal calcification process that can occur at the level of the calcaneus bone, under the

Ankylosing spondylitis

It can be described as a form of arthritis with inflammation in the spine that causes pain and over time, especially if left untreated, can cause a kind of attachment-fusion


According to the World Health Organization (1993) definition, “Osteoporosis is a pathological condition characterized by loss of bone mass and qualitative deterioration of bone tissue, resulting in an increase in

Arthrosis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip is also called coxarthrosis and is a chronic degenerative disease of the hip joint due to progressive disruption of articular cartilage. Hip osteoarthritis can be primary


Tendons are the fibrous structures that connect the ends of muscles to bones allowing the contractile apparatus to perform its functions. Tendonitis is defined as inflammation of a tendon. It

De Quervain’s syndrome

De Quervain’s syndrome is a painful condition of the hand related to inflammation of the sheaths lining two tendons found on the medial (inner) side of the wrist that control

Shoulder arthrosis

In the shoulder, the different joints, and particularly the scapulohumeral (or glenohumeral) joint, which is located between the joint heads of the scapula and humerus, are normally lined with cartilage,

Shock, medical emergency

It may happen that the circulation of blood through the body undergoes a sudden change giving rise to a condition of physiological shock, with decreased flow and crisis on the

Hip fracture

Hip fracture is a serious injury with life-threatening complications. Most hip fractures occur at the femur, the long bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee. The part most

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