Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

Coagulopathy is related to different clinical pictures, involving the activation of the process of coagulation resulting in thrombus deposition in the microcircle and consumption of coagulation factors and platelets.

Irritants, corrosives and caustics

There are plenty of chemicals on the market with irritating, corrosive and caustic characteristics to living tissue. Accidents can occur in both adults and children, who do not know the

The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).


IThe moment a motionless person is seen, it is necessary to test the person ‘s sensitivity by shaking the body slightly and giving small blows. Immediately afterwards, it is important

Hypoglottic laryngitis

It is an infection of the subglottic tissue with edema caused by a virus. Hypoglottic laryngitis occurs mainly in children under three years of age, with sudden onset after previous

Caustic ingestions

Caustics are the substances capable of damaging the digestive system. Symptoms present during caustic ingestion include crying, dysphagia, vomiting, chest pain, laryngeal stridor, profuse sialorrhea, possible respiratory distress. Caustics can

What is diabetic ketoacidosis?

The diabetic ketoacidosis can cause symptoms ranging from simple asthenia to an obnubilation of consciousness to the point of coma. It is possible that the victim also has abdominal pain,

Muscle injuries

A muscle tear occurs when the muscle is forced beyond its range of motility. RICE procedures must be used. Cramps are spasms uncontrolled muscles, causing pain and loss of

Poisoning: general treatment measures

Apparatus urinary There is no good reason to stimulate profuse diuresis or to use diuretics, while treating the poisoned patient. Heavy metals are capable of damaging the kidneys , and

Emesis in case of poisoning

Despite the lavender gastric is undeniably useful, it has many features reminiscent of a barbarian assault, so it is best to avoid using this method with the young children. When

Injury of the fingers and toes



For detect a fracture it is necessary for the patient to test the percussion, holding the fingers in full extension on a solid surface. Firmly strike the fingertips, and transfer the force along the diaphysis of the finger bones. If percussion results in additional pain one must suspect a fracture.

What do?

  1. Immobilize the fingers through one of the following techniques:
  2. Using a patch to join the finger to that adjacent, or put the hand and fingers in the “functional” position.
  3. Place a dressing in the center of the hand bulky, secure it with a roll of bandage on a wooden board or a folded newspaper.
  4. Take to hospital.


If a nail is partially broken or detached it is necessary to stabilize it with a adhesive bandage. If the nail has completely detached, it is important to apply an antibiotic ointment and protect with an adhesive bandage. It is absolutely not recommended to cut the detached nail.


If a splinter passes under a fingernail, interrupting blood flow, there is need to remove the stuck part with tweezers. If the splinter has embedded in the skin, a sterile needle is needed to extract it, up to when it cannot be removed with tweezers.


After nail trauma the blood usually collects under the nail and causes intense pain. To relieve pain get the blood out of the nail.

What do?

  1. Place finger in cold water or apply an ice pack.
  2. Relieve pain by piercing the nail.
  3. Apply a dressing to absorb the leaking blood and try to protect the injured nail.


It happens sometimes that the finger is very swollen and it is difficult to remove a ring. If the ring is not removed gangrene can develop within 4-5 hours. To prevent this from happening, use one of these methods:

  • Lubricate the finger with oil or butter.
  • Place the finger in cold water and wait for the edema to subside.
  • Massage the finger from the tip to the hand to let the edema reabsorb, lubricate the finger, and try to remove the ring.
  • If you cannot remove it, slide the end of a wire under the ring with a toothpick or matchstick. Wrap the thread around the finger starting at the ring going toward the tip. Continue to wrap evenly. This will push the edema toward the hand and slowly unwind the wire on the side of the ring toward the hand.
  • Cut off the narrowest part of the ring with a saw, protecting your hand.
  • Inflate a balloon and tie off the end. Press the victim’s swollen finger into the end of the ball so that the ball wraps around the finger evenly. This will return the finger to normal in about 15 minutes, and the ring can be simply removed.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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    Therapist, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

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