Beware of those foods, they can be toxic

Plant foods, overwhelmingly beneficial for the organism, may in some cases conceal risks that it is good to be aware of in order to avoiding more or less severe discomfort.

Here are the 8 worst salads to eat

All good if we talk about vegetables and seasonings, right? Not always. Let’s find out what ingredients can turn a salad from nutritious to insufficient food.

When memory declines due to heart disease

It may beatherosclerosis that results in memory impairment, when arteries are clogged with cholesterol plaques and blood does not flow freely, making thinking and remembering more difficult. Slowed flow can

Magnesium: why it is needed, where to find it

Magnesium is an essential mineral for efficient muscle contraction and nervous system function, as well as needed to optimize sugar and bone metabolism, counter migraine and PMS, and more. To

Weather enemy of joints: how to react

In the middle of winter, after months of thunderstorms incessant and flooding that seriously damaged many parts of Italy, suffer some new-onset joint pain or see worsening of the symptoms

Genetics and memory

Genes, the same genes that have traced everyone’s physical inheritance, will determine the duration of memory and perhaps the onset of a condition of dementia, but this is not always the

Maybe it’s the drugs?

Some medications can cause drowsiness or even fatigue, precisely because they can promote sleep apnea. In particular are some drugs that relax muscles, muscle relaxants, some sedatives, and some antidepressants.

Staying in shape as we age

The body does not remain the same as it was 20 or even 10 years ago. Our training method could not remain the same as it was then either. Some

How to find the right glasses for each eye


In addition to being an indispensable medical aid for those with visual defects and a must-have means of protecting the eyes from the sun’s rays, glasses in recent years have increasingly become a fashion accessory and a central object in defining personal style. Completely legitimate fact, as long as one does not put aesthetics before function. In fact, the ideal type of eyewear for each eye should always have features in line with the purpose for which it is worn and lenses of excellent quality, even if no particular eye problem is present. Here are some tips to direct the choice on a case-by-case basis.


  • Profile picture of Dott. Giovanni Adamo
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Angiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Provincia di Ragusa - Ragusa
  • Profile picture of Dr. Fabio Fabi
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott. Franco Cicerchia
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Ophthalmologists, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Alcide de Gasperi 39 - Palestrina
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giandomenico Mascheroni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via Petrarca 53 - Carnago
  • Profile picture of Dr. Roberto Zaffaroni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via San Francesco D' Assisi 5 - Varese



Amblyopia, more commonly known as “lazy eye,” is a disease of the visual apparatus characterized by reduced vision in one eye due to abnormal visual development early in life. The


Keratitis is an ocular condition caused by inflammation of the cornea, the transparent membrane that lines the central anterior part of the eye, at the iris and pupil, and that


Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of the cornea-the transparent convex membrane that forms the anterior portion of the eyeball’s fibrous tonaca-or in the shape of the lens. Normally,


Myopia is a refractive defect in which the image of distant objects is formed in front of the retina, rather than on the retina itself, making vision indistinct, while vision

Degenerative maculopathy

Degenerative maculopathy is an irreversible disease that affects the macula, the central part of the retina. The result is a progressive loss of visual ability. There are two distinct forms


Strabismus is an ocular condition characterized by misalignment of the eyes and, therefore, of the left and right visual fields, which can occur in the first 6 months after birth

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular condition in which there is progressive damage to the retina and subsequent gradual decline in visual acuity. It is one of the most feared complications

Ocular tumors

Ocular tumors are rare neoplasms that can affect both adults and children and can significantly impair vision (to the point of blindness) and quality of life, as well as shorten


Conjunctivitis are inflammatory conditions of the mucous membrane lining the inside of the eyelids, in contact with the eyeball. These are extremely common phenomena in the population of both sexes

Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome sets in when the superficial tear film that protects, irrigates, and nourishes the outer layers of the eye, particularly the cornea and conjunctiva, is too poor or

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