The merits of watermelon

Among the cheerful colors of summer fruits prevails among many that beautiful deep red of watermelon, which is given by lycopene, an antioxidant contained in the pulp. Watermelon is truly a complete fruit.

Foods never to eat raw

Raw foods have many beneficial properties, but they can also be very dangerous, as they can pose some risks to our health, especially in the summer heat.

Childhood obesity, are mothers to blame?

According to an Italian study carried out by researchers at the University of Padua, led by Professor Dario Gregori who works in biostatistics, epidemiology and public health, it is believed

Cranberry in the kitchen

After harvest, cranberry fruits can be eaten fresh, dried or made into syrups or jams. Cranberries are used, therefore, for both sweet and savory preparations, and only 12 percent of

The 10 false myths about diets

Cardio workout, no carbs at dinner and frequent meals? It is the ideal recipe for. not lose weight. Personal trainer Nick Mitchell debunks false myths about nutrition and exercise. Research

The benefits of red wine


According to research conducted by theUniversity of Alberta in Canada, drinking one glass of wine a day is equivalent to one hour of physical activity. Researchers have found that red wine contains a substance known as resveratrol, through which it provides benefits similar to those obtained after an hour at the gym. It’s not about giving up sports for good, but taking advantage of the properties of grapes without overdoing it. In fact, just drinking one glass of red wine a day can prevent heart disease, increase muscle strength and regulate blood circulation.

Despite being one of the oldest beverages in the world, the benefits of red wine have only recently been discovered. In the past it was mainly used for entertainment, relaxation and accompanying meals. Today it is also used to treat diseases and disorders such as diabetes, dementia, and osteoporosis. Wine also serves to regulate tobacco-induced damage to blood vessels, either through relaxation or vasodilation

The leader of the research team, Jason Dyck, recommended having a glass of wine to accompany lunch or dinner, without overdoing it with the excuse that it is good for your health. Moreover, experts point out that these kinds of benefits come only from red wine, which could become a complement to the exercise program.

Red wine is made from the must of dark grapes, which are harvested from the vines during the grape harvest. Wine processing is completed with maceration, must, fermentation, filtration, clarification and finally bottling. It is also good for health because it contains polyphenols, which come from the grape skin and seeds, which protect the heart.

One idea might be to alternate gym days with wine drinking days. Research also establishes that drinking a glass of wine every night and continuing to lead a sedentary life does not help the body or the organism at all.


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