Quarantine: impact and psychological costs

The Lancet Journal published a very recent review regarding the impact and cost in psychological terms from quarantine. Consideration was given to 24 papers done between 2004 and 2020 in

Daniel Goleman. Emotional intelligence.

“Emotional Intelligence” and “Working with Emotional Intelligence” represent two seminal works for modern psychology; in fact, they resonate as a necessary turning point at a time when we realized the

Children and car travel: preventing boredom

A road trip with children definitely involves ad hoc organization. Think about games to propose, bring along a tablet to entertain him with cartoons and snacks for him to munch on during the trip.

Stress and adaptation: human resources


For do any kind of work it is necessary to be in good shape, in fact a healthy psychological balance enables the individual to work in a manner more serene and develop to their fullest potential. Being a leader of self themselves means dealing with the problems that occur in the work environment, clearly and with clear objectives.

Balance of a person must be stable. The “mature self” is definitely a requirement fundamental for human and professional growth, while the development exclusive in some human or professional spheres results in attitudes that are not always compatible with a functional lifestyle.

In any work context, it is important to pay attention to the resources human and understand how each individual relates to himself or herself and the world of the work. For example, the physician’s work is based on knowledge, the level of professional competence and on the ability to maintain a stable emotional, so he must take care to be in good condition at all times.

Micheal Balint sensed the dual needs of the professional. He must take care of himself, developing a good level of self-esteem and learn to be self-effective even under stressful conditions. This seems to be an extremely current viewpoint, which takes into consideration the opportunity for the practitioner to adjust his or her operating standard to levels of good effectiveness while respecting life. this contributes to reducing error margins, improving clinical risk management and gaining greater confidence.

Source : I don’t have time for… by Mediserve


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