Myxoedema: symptoms and monitoring

Myxoedema is the metabolic decompensation due to reduced thyroid hormone uptake. This condition is very rare in pediatric age. The main symptoms are drowsiness, lethargy, hypoventilation, hypothermia, and coma. Immediate

The “G” point

But where can one find the G-spot, this pleasure zone ? Every navigator of eros will have to find out for themselves, or at most with some suggestions from their partner, or with a little help from Anatomy of the Female Genital Apparatus.

Osteoporosis: what diet to follow?

Osteoporosis mainly affects women in the post-menopausal period and is characterized by fragility of bone tissue, with high risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is the consequence of a physiological process represented

Childhood obesity, are mothers to blame?

According to an Italian study carried out by researchers at the University of Padua, led by Professor Dario Gregori who works in biostatistics, epidemiology and public health, it is believed

The mechanism of hunger and insulin


If we feel sluggish no matter what we eat, if we feel hunger just an hour after lunch, if we feel a sense of weakness and to feel better we resort to any extemporaneous food, then we may haveinsulin resistance , a condition very risky for getting type 2 diabetes .

Then what happens ? Why do we become resistant to the action of insulin ?

One becomes resistant to insulin if the body fails to absorb it in accordance with the spontaneous mechanism by which it is supposed to allow the body’s cells to succeed in absorbing glucose in the blood, such as immediately after a place insulin secreted by the pancreas for the purpose of absorbing and reducing glucose in the blood and liver, acts on glucose levels by lowering them.

When insulin is not absorbed, it means there is resistance to its action, and then glucose levels remain high.

This results in the body needing greater amounts of insulin to reduce glycemic levels, for the pancreas may gradually slow down entering a pre-diabetic condition and then stop until type 2 diabetes sets in.

What can be the symptoms that one has become insulin resistant ?

Sometimes no symptoms appear, and one may find oneself in this condition without specific symptoms; however, there are certain facts to be observed that presage a pre-diabetes situation .
Significant weight gain, less than ideal laboratory values at the cholesterol level a continuous need for sugar, some difficulty in concentrating, excessive drowsiness,considerable difficulty in slimming.

How to reverse the trend ?

First, all clinical investigations should be done to verify the extent of the disease, relying on constant medical care.
Adopt a proper diet right away that avoids those foods that can aggravate the pre-diabetic condition, instead taking light, digestible meals based on vegetables, fruits whole foods that less engage the metabolism.


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