8. Preparation for the freediving test

Before any apnea, whether it is static, dynamic or deep, it is a good idea to take a time where you isolate yourself and relax, breathing in stillness and awareness, detaching your mind as if in a kind of meditation, to clear it of anxieties and stress.

4. Natural plant world and human presence

Compared to the imaginative clothes worn by plants to better adapt to natural environments, those imposed by humans reflect the need on the part of humans to indulge their own desires.

8. Plants and nutrition

Despite the fact that most human beings do not adopt a strictly vegetarian diet, plants in the diet are not only plentiful, but are consumed in all their parts, even the most unusual ones, from root to flower!

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Nordic Walking


By Roberto Vallabio, instructor Italian Nordic Walking School (SINW)

Translated into Italian it means Nordic Walking and consists of walking with the help of special sticks. An aid that turns into a push forward, facilitating advancement. You should not think that you will go faster or exert less effort, because the basic principle of this discipline is to involve as many muscles as possible and, as a result, increase energy expenditure for the same speed and distance traveled. All of this results in improved fitness.

Walking with poles appears as early as the 1930s and was practiced as summer-autumn training by Scandinavian cross-country and Nordic combined athletes. Born in Scandinavian countries many years ago it was initially practiced by cross-country ski athletes during summer-autumn dry training. Later, it was refined and developed into a full-fledged fitness exercise.

In Italy, the modern concept of Nordic Walking arrived in late 2003 when the activity began to develop in South Tyrol and then continued to expand to all other Italian regions. In 2008 the Italian Nordic Walking School was founded, an association that has become the Italian reference point for Nordic walking, with thousands of instructors distributed throughout the country and many followers. In October 2013, the Italian Nordic Walking School joined Fidal as the sole contact and training association for Nordic Walking instructors in Italy.

The technique

Nordic walking is nothing more than natural walking done by “good stepping,” to which is added the functional use of two poles to bring a whole range of benefits to our bodies. The sticks are used in such a way as to exert forward momentum, involving a large number of muscles and thus increasing energy expenditure that improves cardiorespiratory function. However, to get the maximum benefits and have the maximum efficiency from the movements, technique becomes crucial.

To learn the basic technique, or alternating step, (i.e., alternating opposite arm and leg movements) you need to develop:

  • alternating arm-leg coordination
  • range of motion of the legs and arms
  • opening and closing the hands around the handle of the sticks
  • foot roll
  • push phase and stick recovery

Advanced techniques

In addition to the classic alternating walk, there are other variations (advanced techniques) that are used to improve technical movements, coordination and training status.


Basic equipment consists of a pair of Nordic Walking poles and associated mittens. Everything else is of secondary importance, although the choice of shoes plays a very important role as they must have a sole suitable for walking on slippery and slippery ground. As we said, poles are made precisely for this type of sporting activity and are composed of ahandle (where the glove is inserted by means of the string), a central part called the shaft and finally the tip. The material from which they are made can be aluminum, fiberglass or carbon. They can consist of one piece, or two or three pieces that make them easy to carry. The handle is made of soft plastic, rubber or cork (better choice because it absorbs sweat and does not make the palm of the hand slip). The tip is usually made of widia and can be covered with special non-slip rubbers to adhere better on asphalt. Finally, a mention should be made of the choice of shoes whose soles should ensure excellent grip on the ground, which can vary from concrete to earth, sand, cobblestones, and mudo… short, offer completely different adherences. In addition, they should also ensure that they are sturdy and waterproof in case of rain.

The benefits

Only by adopting proper technique can you achieve all the benefits that Nordic Walking can offer.

High muscle involvement improves cardiovascular and lymphatic circulation and increases respiratory capacity. In particular:

  • It allows 20 to 30% higher energy consumption than walking without poles.
  • It results in the involvement of about 90% of our muscles (over 600 muscles)
  • Due to the active involvement of the auxiliary muscles of the respiratory system, oxygenation of the whole body is increased.
  • It keeps four of the five main forms of motor stress in exercise: endurance, strength, mobility, coordination.
  • Stimulates the elimination of hormones originating from stress
  • It increases heart rate by 10 to 15 beats per minute compared to traditional walking at the same gait. It therefore generates good cardiovascular exercise
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves posture and promotes spinal mobilization
  • Lightens the load on joints and the motor system in general
  • Blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol levels over time tend to normalize
  • Glycemic values in diabetic disease are lowered
  • There is greater protection from osteoporosis and osteoarthritis: moderate and constant exertion stimulates bone remodeling and the production of substances such as elastin and collagen that form cartilage.

Stress-reducing benefits of Nordic walking

  • It improves mood because our bodies release substances, endorphins and serotonins, which can counter anxiety and depression;
  • With physical improvements in the body, the mind tends to push away problems making them less nagging and, at the same time, tends to see everyday worries more calmly so that it can deal with them peacefully
  • It regularizes breathing, which, on the other hand, in moments of anxiety and fear tends to become short and shallow
  • Accumulated muscle tension is discharged without the risk of tears or strains;
  • Practiced in groups, it constitutes a time of aggregation and lightheartedness

Where it is practiced

The strength of Nordic Walking is that it can be practiced anywhere, on the Mountain trails, in the city, on the beach, in parks. Of course, the more homogeneous the terrain, regardless of how it is made, the better one can express the technical-athletic gesture and consequently achieve maximum results. Be careful, however, not to confuse the terrains of Nordic walking with those of hiking. Trekking is mainly practiced on high-altitude trails that have little uniformity and steep inclines, while for Nordic walking, the optimal terrain is trails with varying and yet not steep inclines, so that the range of motion and continuity of stride can be maximized.

The optimal terrain

Suitable terrain for Nordic walking is flat or slightly uphill trails. For the technical gesture and the performance of all muscles to be maximum, the ideal incline is between 4 and 8 percent. It is precisely here that the push of the arms becomes powerful, the foot is able to complete the right roll, and each step becomes satisfaction.

With steeper slopes the push of the arms turns into support and the roll of the foot loses its completeness; as the terrain becomes steeper you will gradually go to rest first the flat foot on the metatarsal and finally the toe only.


Nordic walking is considered one of the most complete sports disciplines ever. The physical and mental benefits to be gained are many and obvious. It is suitable for any age. It can also be practiced in the city. It can also be used as a form of training for other sports.

Italian Nordic Walking School (SINW) instructor


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