Starting a physical activity: some tips

The reasons that often prompt us to start a physical activity are many and varied. One of the main motivations is definitely aesthetic (one plays sports to improve one’s physical

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The knee in sports


The knee is a complex and delicate joint, always subjected to stresses and strains, and sometimes a fragile point in many traumatic events.

But how many and what can be knee injuries? Fractures, sprains, dislocations, tendon ruptures (of the extensor apparatus of the knee) or meniscus injuries.

  • Knee trauma in adults;
  • Fractures of the distal end of the femur;
  • Fractures of the proximal end of the tibia;
  • Fracture of the patella;
  • Tendon ruptures of the extensor apparatus of the knee;
  • Dislocations of the patella;
  • Knee sprains;
  • dislocations;
  • Meniscus injuries;

Sports are certainly a great resource for keeping fit and healthy, for competing in competitive events, and for many other right motivations, but in some cases they can be a danger to the body if certain risks are not taken into account.
Some sports are known to be based on rules, actions and movements that can endanger the safety of athletes, as in the physical clash between two players in soccer or rugby, as in competitive cycling with particularly risky falls, and as in many other sports.
Sports physicians and statisticians have derived data and details of the incidence of trauma, injuries and fractures in different sports activities, drawing a ranking of the risks referred to one type of sport versus others.

If we talk about the risks of the knee, then the greatest damage to the knees can be procured particularly from certain sports disciplines such as:

  • the race;
  • soccer;
  • rugby;
  • basketball;
  • weightlifting;
  • wrestling;

Sports that, in addition to being particularly risky because of the risks of limb and head injuries, can increase the risk of paving the way for osteoarthritis by many times, because of the great stress placed on the joints, and most directly by targeting the knees(gonarthrosis).
Of course, a distinction must be made between professional athletes who play the sport as a profession and amateur enthusiasts who play it more occasionally, but nevertheless in both cases the damage to the knees appears significant.

Gonarthrosis is not the only injury resulting from some sports, but also from conditions such as osteoarthritis, a condition that causes stiffness and pain in the joints, and sometimes even swelling of the painful parts, and in some cases even small bone noises.
At the level of survey results, conditions such as gonarthrosis, osteoarthritis, or post-injury damage from joint injuries appear to be on the rise in adults with a history of sports, and thus no longer disorders limited to older age groups.

So, too dangerous for the knee and joints to play certain sports?

It should also be said that the damage a sport can do will also be proportional to the intensity with which it is played, the preventive measures to be taken to control and limit the damage.
It is now known that running and weightlifting can do more damage to the knees from trauma, while soccer and rugby can do more damage from knee twisting.
Sports physicians always recommend body warm-up exercises before entering the competition to prevent the described drawbacks.

What then may be the sports that can be played in case of painful knees(gonarthrosis)?

More moderate, gradual sports activities that do not pose risks of aggravation and inflammation of the suffering knees, such as:

  • swimming. In water, body movements are lighter and less stressful , and the knees in particular are not subjected to strain or difficult movements. Swimming improves overall fitness, helps keep weight under control, and also allows for improvement or elimination of knee pain.
  • the bicycle. This sport allows you to gradually get used to the exertion, allows moderate rotational movement of the knees, works the tendons that wrap around the knee and the muscles that support the joints, and it is also a good opportunity to improve breathing and blood circulation.
  • the walk. It is the most easily practiced physical activity, the least risky for the knee, and the most self-contained to practice. It helps to contain joint inflammation, improve fitness and strengthen joints.

For all these activities, any agonism or pursuit of performance should be avoided, which could turn these sports into further risks of worsening osteo-articular disorders.


  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Cinzia Maria Zurra
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Aesthetic Doctors, Nutritionists

    • Viale Rimembranze 5 - Triuggio
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Irene Pistis
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via della Reoubblica 461/3 - Vergato
  • Profile picture of Dott. Sandro Morganti
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Orthopedists, Basic Doctors, Osteopaths

    • Via Foligno 6 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa OLGA PETROVSKAIA
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    Pain therapists, Basic Doctors, Therapist

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  • Profile picture of Dr. Lorenzo Cerreoni
    active 3 years, 11 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Macero Sauli 52 - Forlì


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