Night cough, how to counteract it

Who has experienced at least once knows that there is only one thing worse than coughing insistent during the day: insistent coughing during the night and the accompanying throat discomfort.

15 things that slow down metabolism

Metabolism can be defined as the way our body converts food into energy . If our body is slow in burning calories during rest or during sleep , we probably

Thyroid slowed down?

The thyroid is a small gland that is responsible for regulating metabolism, that is, the rate at which food intake is converted into energy. If thyroid activity slows down too

Situations to avoid to protect hearing

The five senses, namely sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, are our window to the world: they allow us to perceive what lies beyond the boundaries of our bodies and

All the benefits of the outdoors

During the summer you have probably had the opportunity to notice: spending more time outside the home, especially in the midst of the nature but also by visiting historical places

Over-the-counter drugs: are you using too many?

” Over-the-counter” or OTC (short for Over-The-Counter) drugs are valuable remedies to alleviate many common, annoying but not serious ailments that can occasionally occur in daily life, without having to

How to protect the health of the kidney

I due reni elaborano tutto quello che mangiamo o beviamo, compresi i medicinali, gli integratori e tutto ciò che può farci male. LE 10 REGOLE Prevention is the only effective

The itch that comes from the dermis


Itching, as a disorder but also as a symptom can also come from the skin system itself, that is, the skin.

Several diseases peculiar to the skin include:

  • atopic dermatitis;
  • chickenpox;
  • eczema;
  • psoriasis;
  • ringworm;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • shingles.

All capable of giving rise to rashes, blisters, itching, but for which rather than resorting to small and insufficient remedies, they should be well diagnosed and treated with the help of the dermatologist specialist and not only at the level of drug therapy but with more complex systems of care that include nutrition and lifestyle.


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The term acne is derived from the Greek word acmé or acné, meaning foam or summit, and denotes a skin disease that is widespread in the young population, characterized by


Warts are benign formations that can appear on the skin anywhere on the body as a result of infection by one of the viruses of the human papilloma family or


Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition characterized by the appearance of characteristic thickened, flaky, inflamed patches on well-defined, more or less extensive skin areas. The disease affects 0.1-3.0% of the


Angiomas, also called “hemangiomas,” are benign vascular malformations involving arterial or venous capillaries and can affect anywhere on the body, but they tend to appear most often on the skin

Food allergies and intolerances

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Chickenpox to date remains the most prevalent vaccine-preventable disease in our country. It is transmitted airborne, person-to-person, through Pflugge droplets or by direct contact with skin lesions of patients with

Genital herpes

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The term dermatitis refers to a fairly heterogeneous group of skin diseases, largely characterized by more or less pronounced inflammation and induced by a wide variety of causes (irritation, allergic

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