Renal colic: how does it manifest?

The renal colic is a symptom related to the migration of a stone through the ureter. It is possible that in this way the urothelial wall becomes irritated or are

How to treat the flu

The flu is an infectious disease, caused by a virus. It presents with fever, muscle and joint pain, nasal congestion, and headache.The flu has a high contagiousness, coupled with the virus’ ability

Diving, the basic rules

The human body, while moving through water, swimming or diving, knows that it poses a constant danger since it cannot survive under this element except with reserves of air. Never dive alone.

De Quervain’s syndrome: how to treat it

De Quervain’s stenosing tenosynovitis is an inflammatory process affecting the synovial sheath of the thumb tendons (long abductor and short extensor). The condition is characterized by painful narrowing of the

Sun, sea, acne

In summer, acne fears two elements: strong heat and humidity. Skin care must take into account some basic elements to avoid annoying reactions of pimples during summertime.

Hip replacement and restorative surgery

The total hip replacement, consisting of a spherical shaped part and a socket, is made of metal or even can be made of a type of ceramic or plastic (polyethylene) and has several components, including the hip ball itself.


The mechanism that determines erection in the male arises from sexual arousal, which in turn is the result of the participation of emotions, the brain, hormonal flows, heart and vessels, muscles and nerves. Sometimes even one of these factors can cause erectile dysfunction, which can worsen when a state of emotional malaise and stress or even a persistent state of anxiety is added to it.

Customized cardiovascular risk calculators


For more than two decades now, cardiologists have been developing algorithms to calculate the cardiovascular risk, i.e., the probability that a person may be a victim of a heart attack or brain stroke over the next 5-10 years and plan, based on the outcome, preventive and therapeutic strategies aimed at minimizing it.

Hand in hand with the improvement of knowledge, algorithms have been periodically reviewed and refined to make the estimate of the increasingly precise risk, but until now the calculation system used was essentially unambiguous and internationally shared. At most, it was provided for the use of somewhat different parameters in Europe and the United States, in view of the different average characteristics of the population and of the different preventive approaches.

Based on the teachings of personalized medicine, it is now understood that in order to properly assess cardiovascular risk and optimize lifestyle guidance and drug therapies it is crucial to employ different calculators in different categories of patients, taking into account age (in particular, above or below 70 years of age), the presence of type 2 diabetes (a disease that multiplies the risk of cardiovascular disease 2 to 4 times that of unaffected persons), concomitant cardiovascular disease (e.g., atrial fibrillation or heart failure), or a history of acute events (myocardial infarction or stroke/TIA), as well as additional diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis) and the therapies needed to treat them, which can increase overall cardiovascular risk.

To facilitate physicians and patients in accessing and properly using these algorithms, an international group of experts belonging to several clinical and academic centers and scientific societies in the cardiovascular area have developed U-PREVENT : a freely searchable website (in English and Dutch) by all persons interested in calculating their own cardiovascular risk, that of a family member or, in the case of physicians, of the patients they follow.

For patients, having a simple system to know their cardiovascular risk is important in order to understand when it is appropriate to see their doctor and to be encouraged to faithfully follow his or her preventive and treatment advice. But the U-PREVENT system is even more useful for physicians, as the indications provided by the algorithm are based on the integration of all the best scientific evidence obtained in clinical and epidemiological studies and allow the best strategy to be defined for each patient, on a personalized basis, to protect him or her from cardiovascular events.

In addition to calculating the 5- or 10-year cardiovascular risk, U-PREVENT can be exploited to estimate the preventive effect of major drug therapies (in particular, antihypertensive, cholesterol-lowering, and antithrombotic drugs, in the case of nondiabetic persons), thus enabling physicians to assess which treatments single or in combination may better protect the patient in later years and to what extent.

In addition, the site provides sources from the literature and material educational to support a better understanding of computers, their use and their meaning, broken down according to user profiles, that is, patient, physician or researcher. If to spontaneously use U-PREVENT is the patient and the result shows a nonnegligible cardiovascular risk, the advice is to always consult with your physician for an interpretation competent of the outcome and any appropriate further investigation.


Rossello X et al. Risk prediction tools in cardiovascular disease prevention. Eur J Prev Cardiol 2019; doi:10.1177/2047487319846715 (


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Heart failure

Heart failure corresponds to a condition in which the heart is unable to receive and/or pump blood with sufficient force to the lungs and the rest of the body, due

Venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency and associated vascular disorders, such as varicose veins and telangiectasias (superficial capillaries), mainly affect the venous vessels of the legs and arms and are mainly related to the

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest corresponds to the interruption of the heart’s contraction and pumping action, resulting from a sudden and drastic alteration in its electrical activity (ventricular fibrillation). Cardiac arrest is an

Mitral valve repair

Repair of an insufficient/deteriorated mitral valve can be done: Removing the malfunctioning segments of the valve leaflets; implanting “synthetic cords” (which replace the broken or “stretched” natural ones of the

Jugular stenosis

Jugular stenosis corresponds to a narrowing of the lumen of the jugular veins, which are the main blood vessels that collect oxygen-poor blood from the brain and return it to

Carotid stenosis

Carotid artery stenosis corresponds to a narrowing of the caliber of the carotid arteries, which are the main blood vessels supplying the brain with oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood (particularly glucose),


Atherosclerosis is a pathological process that leads to the progressive formation of localized deposits composed mainly of fat and cholesterol and platelets (atheromas or atherosclerotic plaques) within the walls of

Diseases of the heart valves

Heart valve diseases comprise a large group of structural alterations and dysfunctions, congenital or more often acquired, that prevent the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart (atria


Cellulite is an inflammatory-based alteration of the fat-rich subcutaneous tissue(panniculus adiposus), triggered by fluid stagnation due to poor venous and lymphatic circulation (lymph is a fluid that flows in channels


1/10 – What is lymphedema Lymphedema is a chronic pathological condition mainly manifested by swelling of a region of the body due to the accumulation of lymph in the tissues.

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