Nutrition in old age

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Heart wellness: here are 7 good practices to follow

Vegetables in Heart Shaped Bowl on Blackboard

To keep one’s heart healthy and well, and thus avoid the danger of cardiovascular diseases that can be a serious danger to our safety, it is advisable to keep a healthy lifestyle, paying close attention to our diet and doing the right physical activity. In this regard, however, there are certain habits, in the area of diet, that, together with regular and controlled physical activity, can contribute significantly to the well-being of our heart and, in general, the entire cardiovascular system. Let’s see one by one what they are.

The 7 habits for the health of our heart

1 – Fruits and Vegetables: regular and consistent consumption of fruits and vegetables is essential for our heart health. Thanks to fruits and vegetables, in fact, we guarantee our bodies an important supply of antioxidants that hinder the action of free radicals, harmful substances that cause stress to our bodies. Antioxidants also promote the production of “good” cholesterol, at the expense of “bad” cholesterol, which is dangerous to our health.

2 – Seeds and Dried Fruits: daily consumption (in small amounts) of seeds and dried fruits (such as nuts almonds and hazelnuts) promotes the formation of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, real panacea for the entire cardiovascular system.

3 – Fish in Abundance: eating fish at least three to four times a week provides our bodies with a significant supply of Omega 3, the substances that are most of all a true lifeblood for our hearts.

4 – Legumes: to ensure, however, the right amount of iron and protein, it is advisable to eat, 3 to 4 times a week, a dose of legumes.

5 – Cereals every day: eating whole grains, which are rich in fiber, on a daily basis will allow you to keep your cholesterol and triglycerides under control, as well as promote the balance of intestinal flora.

6 – Yes to Chocolate: chocolate is by no means to be banned; on the contrary, eating a piece of chocolate (85/90% dark) is good for the well-being of our heart. In fact, chocolate contains substances such as flavonoids that help promote blood fluidity, reducing the risk of blood clots.

7 – Extra Virgin Olive Oil: To finish, we recommend that you use a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to season your dishes, which contains a special protein, called ApoA-IV, that protects the heart from heart attack and stroke.


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