Is heart murmur a serious problem?

A heart murmur is a clinical finding that is most often discovered during occasional visits, and until then the carrier is unaware of it. So it is not actually a

Elements that can weaken the immune system

An are insufficient, lack of vitamin D, but also certain medications can sometimes affect the immune system’s ability to clear infections and diseases. Still others are possible and surprising influencing


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Circulation Use of the Defibrillator Data collected following monitoring and intravenous therapy Administration of cardiac viability maintenance drugs Treatment of Arrhythmias Treatment following cardiac arrest ADMINISTRATION OF DRUGS

Omega 3 saves heart

Two large studies presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2018 and published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine save lives Monza, Nov. 11, 2018 The Omega


Hematemesis is the emission oral of blood with vomiting. Symptomatology and objective signs depend on the aetiology. In the case of massive hemorrhage there will be a symptomatology and objectivity

Application of Stents (Coronary Angioplasty)

A coronary stent is a medical "device," that is, an instrument used in Coronary Angioplasty to clear the way for possible blockages in the coronary arteries by following invasive techniques having the goal of restoring regular blood circulation within the heart by ensuring its proper function.

Cellulite: an aesthetic problem or also a clinical problem?

The outward appearance of "orange peel" or dimpled skin is considered a major cosmetic problem, to which the medical response is more oriented toward a consistent variety of specific treatments, rather than in-depth investigations of pathophysiological issues.


The echocardiogram, also known as echocardiography, is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the use of ultrasound, which is quick and easy to perform, harmless, painless, and low-cost, and because of these favorable features has become very popular in the last 20 years in cardiology to study the heart, the blood vessels surrounding it, and the heart valves.

Diseases of the heart valves

valvole cardiache

Heart valve diseases comprise a large group of structural alterations and dysfunctions, congenital or more often acquired, that prevent the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart (atria and ventricles) from each other and from the blood vessels connected to it from opening and closing efficiently.

The valves most frequently affected by disease are: the aortic valve (separating the left ventricle from the aorta, the largest artery in the body); the mitral or bicuspid valve (separating the left atrium and ventricle); the pulmonary valves (separating the right ventricle from the pulmonary arteries); and the tricuspid valve (separating the right atrium and ventricle).

The integrity and proper functioning of the heart valves are critical because their rhythmic and perfectly coordinated opening and closing directs the flow of blood within the heart and enables efficient pump function, which delivers oxygenated blood to all body tissues and to the brain.


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Diseases of the heart valves

Heart valve diseases comprise a large group of structural alterations and dysfunctions, congenital or more often acquired, that prevent the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart (atria

Heart failure

Heart failure corresponds to a condition in which the heart is unable to receive and/or pump blood with sufficient force to the lungs and the rest of the body, due

Obstructive sleep apnea

Repetitive episodes of upper airway obstruction may occur during sleep, often accompanied by reduced oxygen saturation. Such episodes are accompanied in almost all cases by snoring. Apneas often end with

Blow to the heart

A “heart murmur” is not in itself a pathology , but merely a signal that the blood inside the heart is flowing too fast or in a “disordered” manner, producing

Heart failure (acute)

Acute Heart Failure (AHF) is a potentially life-threatening clinical condition that can result from the worsening of an already diagnosed chronic heart failure (heart failure) or represent its onset event.

Angina pectoris

Referred to by the Latin name for its main manifestation, a weight-like or vice-like tightness in the chest, angina pectoris is not a disease per se, but the consequence of

Aortic aneurysm

An aortic aneurysm refers to permanent dilatation of a well-defined segment of the aorta, the largest artery in the body that receives blood directly from the left ventricle and distributes

Atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation is the most common heart rhythm disorder in the Western world. In the United States it affects about three million people; in Italy, an estimated 600-700 thousand people

Intracranial hypertension

Increased pressure within the head box may be related to cerebral edema or the presence of an intracranial expansive lesion, an obstruction of CSF circulation, or the association of these

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a clot (thrombus) forms within a vein and completely or partially occludes it, blocking or restricting blood flow in that vessel. In principle, any

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